On the other hand whenever I play Protoss, doing 4 Gate All-ins, DT rush, Void ray cheese, 2 proxy gates is a fucking BLAST. I mean I'm the type of player who enjoys long eco oriented macro fests when I ladder 1v1 with Zerg, but cheesing and doing all-ins as Protoss is fucking awesome. It's like riding in a Lamborghini with Taylor Swift next to you fondling your body while you run over countless upset, ego charged, nerd raging sacks of filth that we label as "Competitive Starcraft 2 players" all the while Jesus and Buddha are hovering over you in the clouds glaring at you in envy through their golden monocle of bullshit.
Being a good standard player also really helps you cheese or all-in even better because you'll understand when your opponent will be most vulnerable and you'll know how to approach their defenses with the utmost efficiency.