1st i want to share a dream of mine with you guys. It was so Epic for me but i don't know if it is Epic for you. Last night i was sleeping then i randomly saw me playing a Ladder game against a Terran. Since i like to utilize Zlings a lot it was a Zling, Bling, Infestor style of play from me and Drop style of play from Terran. We played for like a hour in my dream. At last i had only 1 Hive left, all of my tech buildings are gone, no minerals and i have only 10 Zling against a Terran who haves 3 Marines, 1 Thor, 1 Rax, 1 CC and 1 SCV. Game was going bad, i didn't GG and tryed to defend my Hive (Silly move eh?). Then Terran came with his small army of 3 Marine and Thor and i was able to hold it off with only 1 Zling remained. I didn't engage because i didn't want to lose my last Zling. Then suddenly my look changed and i was looking from eye of Zling and everything became more realistic. I saw Thor's left arm cannon was remaining so right at the momment a button popped up at my HUD: Infest. Once i clicked it Zling ran to it and entered cocoon stage with cannon. When it popped out, think a Super Cool Zling which is huge, got a cannon on its back and moves awesomely! And it's name was "Thorling" which was Epic! I engaged with my Thorling and pwned Terran in 3 sec because Thorling was OP with 70 Damage, 10 Armor and it's speed. xD Was a fun dream tho. Just wanted to share with you TLers.
And 2nd i changed my race to Zerg. Why a Protoss player would do it? Well...getting cheesed, non creative play aaaand 4 gate obviously. Protoss doesn't feel right at all after BW. I mean, i was more creative when i played BW with reaver drops or mass HT/Archon hiding under bunch of Arbiters or stealing a worker from a Terran or Zerg and creating your hybrid army! Was fun times but now, it is not like that. So i changed to my best race normally: Zerg. Yes, i was a Protoss player who trys to learn that race but i always played Zerg better even tho i don't like Zerg. It feels more natural and Zerg units are a part of me like how i play an instrument. I don't know if any Zerg feels like me but you totally got control over your units except Ultras which are making Cha Cha sometimes. So i've been playing with Zerg quite awhile and the problem race for me is Terrans. I can't play Terran, I hate Terran and their death balls are deadlier than a Protoss ball in my opinion. Battle.net always matches me against Platinum/Diamond Terrans which i hate most(i am Gold Rank 1). For me the most obvious failure is i can't do something against tanks. I can flank a Protoss army with Roach/Hydra/Infestor/Crackling but not a terran because when a terran gets around 14 tanks it is always GG for me. Maybe because i lack skills but i do think i micro well because when i look at my APM statics i macro with avarage of 70 but when it comes to micro my APM jumps to 200. Anyways i got some questions for you guys(Please don't say check strategies, i know most of stuff. Maybe i just can't get them to work.).
-Is it possible that i can't counter Tanks because i don't harrass Terran well enough? (i am not fond of harrassing)
-Is it possible my unit composition is not good enough?
-(For Zerg Players) When you were around my ranks what did you do to pwn Terran deathballs?
-(For Zerg Players) Do you think old BW style Extractor Trick is a good opening style? (Getting OL at 10 supply and when you reach 75 min. you make an Extractor then quickly make a drone and cancel Extractor.)(I ask because i oftenly do it.)
-Should i post replays at my next blogs?
I guess this is all. Thank you for reading, and GL to everybody with their Tournaments and Laddering! May the Thorling be with you!
(P.S. I just noticed that SCV is bigger than a marine, zergling even a zealot at concept art. But why the heck they can't 1 hit them? :D)