I'm usually a pretty calm person, have a pretty decent tolerance for anything, except losing 1vs1 games in Starcraft or Warcraft. When I barely knew anything of the game I considered myself a noob so I never really got that pissed at start.
But when I've progressed into the higher leagues, diamond/master and has stayed there for a while and you're kinda trapped there it's not the same "noob-mistake"-feeling anymore, I get really pissed when I lose to stuff.
Just now I lost to a bunker rush which felt like a really nooby mistake and I kicked my computer and some shit fell out of it and I broke a drinking glass. I've smashed my door broken and put some holes in my walls before too, and a ton of glasses smashed.
I just can't play SC2 when I'm having this mindstate, I really love the game and community but I can't do shit to control the rage I get when I'm playing. I can have a 5 win streak, then lose 1 and go nuts.
Anyone got any tips?
Physically smashing things is the point where you see a therapist IMO. I know how frustrating it is to lose to something stupid, but that's sooo extreme
Yeah I guess, but it's not really an everyday thing, I'm a really calm dude normally and would never rage socially or in front of anybody. It's just when I'm by myself and feel really pumped to play SC2.
Used to rage the same way , especially in Quake 1v1... destroyed my wardrobe and a chair and a couple of mouses :D in starcraft i also get very frustraded but i learned to control my feelings, best is just to leave the computer a while, get some fresh air (open the window), drink some water and listen to some uplifting music/do something else when u feel the rage is coming the reason i drink water and open the window when i rage is actually because i feel that i become physically warmer when i get so angry lol ,also washing my face sometimes with cold water hehe :D
and like post below me says, go for a walk or running or whatever works too
Exercise helps with getting your agressions out, try running and play afterwards and see if it helps.
Rage after losing when your trying to compete at you're own highest level is pretty natural, fuck therapists. Just need to channel that rage into something less destructive/pointless as putting holes in your wall and breaking glasses (unless you like the art carpentry and spending your money on glasses you already had).
Get a pillow and smash that/throw it around. Yell, twist a towel...just find a way to release the emotion without causing physical damaged to your own property lol. It costs too much money/too embarassing to actually do some damage when it a fit of emotion. Just need to let the emotion pass, than analyze coldly the mistakes you made.
I used to have a punching bag for this reason (when I would rage when I was younger), few swift blows and I'm back to laughing at myself for caring so much.
Stop playing zerg man, its only gonna get worse
On April 24 2011 03:24 TheAntZ wrote: Stop playing zerg man, its only gonna get worse ... wont comment on that
anways its the same for me, you should stand up, and just do nothing for a few minutes. i DO know how rage feels, just tell yourself its not worth it and you need to calm yourself asap.
Raging like that is just not healthy behavior. Besides, getting mad is just another way you're getting owned by your opponent. I also find that getting angry stunts the learning process. Humans function best when we feel good. So, turn that energy into analyzing your game and fixing its flaws.
On April 24 2011 03:24 TheAntZ wrote: Stop playing zerg man, its only gonna get worse
Before it gets better, yeah. But it'll get better.
On April 24 2011 03:24 TheAntZ wrote: Stop playing zerg man, its only gonna get worse
loled hard at that
I would say use that agression in the game. I've had a lot of stressful days and then I just go and 6 gate 2 warp prisim with elevator drops then FF the ramp and welp all his production buildings and win.
It's normal to get angry when you lose in something you're invested in and passionate about. Just vent that anger in your next game, though. When I lose a game, I end up so focused next game and spam/try so hard to win.
I think everyone should buy a punching back to attack when they lose a game and are angry, that would save many a keyboard and wall's lives.
I always felt so immature and silly raging over video games so eventually I just kinda stopped.
You need to do your daily push ups/abs exercise and HIT the damn gym, you are a MAN with testosterone, to expess chemical emotions physically is natural for you.
But let that anger out on your muscles, not your furniture  If you break your equipment, you will only regret it.
Are you pissed off? HURT yourself! You can't be angry when your body aches xD
Get a smash proof rage pillow! :D Personaly I have never raged on an inanimate object besides a pillow.
If i get on a bad losing streak I stop playing and start doing cardio.
I just swear.... LOL i think breaking things is a little too far haha
haha same here if i lose a game i stop playing for the whole day
Biggest thing for me is to realize I lost because of myself. It's ALL my fault(barring opponent lag). Once you accept responsibility for your mistakes, it gets a bit easier IMO.
Then focus that energy on never allowing yourself to make that mistake again.
Also, maybe do some pushups/situps between games, or go for a walk/jog if you feel yourself starting to rage slightly.