Hello starcraft comrades!
Exactly one month ago Plexa posted his leaving-thread (http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=199300). He elaborated on his starcraft life and his time here on Team Liquid. It made me notice how close the members at Team Liquid are and it fascinated me. Next to being a starcraft player, I am also a master student in Business Science. I have almost finished my study and the thesis is the only thing left to do.
However, until Plexa's post I had no idea what my research should be about. But that thread inspired me and I decided to combine my hobby and my study. I decided to do research on forums.
My thesis aim is to create a model which explains why people register at forums. So why do people register at Team Liquid, why not somewhere else? Why do people lurk and not post? Why do people suddenly decide to register? Etc.
This is where I need your help. The first step in my research requires interviews with forum members. If you agree to help me I will send you 5 open question via PM. It takes approximately 15 minutes to answer all the questions.
Why would you help? First of all, you will help a fellow fan and I will be very grateful for it. You will also be acknowledged in a scientific paper. Furthermore and most important, the results of the research will be shared with the guys at TL and it will help them to make the forums even better.
If you are interested in helping us, please either PM me or post a reply in this thread.
Thanks in advance!