RIP Diamondback After over 6 long years I'm sad you've so suddenly departed Nothing ever was nor ever will be as great as you To fund $100 for a piece of your dwindling stock I cannot pay Looking from brand to brand, mouse to mouse Finding a replacement mouse seems futile The only thing that can replace you is: RAZER BRING BACK THE FUCKING DIAMONDBACK RIP
Which one's the original version? I'm using a Diamondback right now (blue, clear top)... it's probably gonna die on me soon :<
Yeah, the original ones are the clear ones that come in blue,green, and red as well as the "chameleon" one that is some weird brown green red thing.
This is actually my second one in like 6 years or so. The problem that I keep running into with Diamondbacks is that M1 and M2 gradually depress to the point where you can't click anymore without pressing really hard as a result of the area in front of M3 touching the plastic base.
What mouse are you looking into now?
Ah I see sorry about that. Well I like small mice with a low profile because I use fingertip grip. That means all Logitech mice are out the window. So right now I'm contemplating getting a Steelseries Kinzu, Razer Abyssus, or a Razer Krait.
My condolences. Good luck on finding your replacement mouse.
diamondback clicked on this thread, will miss him when his time comes.
My Diamondback is dying, and now i find out that it's a dying breed Finding a replacement mouse will be hard cause im too used to it :/
Bwahahaha! my trusty MX310 is still alive!!
The diamondback is the best mouse ever <3 Mine is still up and running, it's a diamondback chameleon
My diamondback 3g was delivered today - They are still around!
I was thinking this was about the campaign unit.