The word I will hear and see put with happy a lot today. If you couldn't tell from the image by my name, or the topic of the day, today is my birthday, and along with it being my birthday, I'm sure there will be many Facebook Birthday Wishes, Phone Calls, Texts, etc. I think you get the idea. But the thing I really wanted to mention is how many other things are associated with my birthday today.
I am 15 years old (I can drive soon!)
I am halfway to filling a banling requirement (Assuming a requirement is your account must be 1 year old)
This is blog post number 20 for me (Without including the one that was closed)
The list goes on, and I'm sure some of you have stopped reading, and maybe someone out there wants to keep going, but I don't want to lose anyone by making a boring list.
Man, haven't blogged in a while, I hope this is sufficient for you guys, well in any case, I'm helping my friends move again in 4 hours (Don't know why I woke up at 6am, but hey, more time here) so time to play a little but of SC2, but I will probably end up reading TL and Reddit.
Feel free to leave a birthday wish, and any critique about my writing! Thanks for being so great Team Liquid!