First off I play under the name gosplat. I did not play SC1/BW in any real capacity. I only finsihed the single player and played a grand total of zero multiplayer games. I would play the A.I. and remember beating the Hard A.I. on a regular basis.
In the RTS realm I do have some experience. I continually broke into the top 100 ranked Red Alert 2 players. I played as either America or Great Britain. For the most part I used a 3 tank rush strategy. If this failed I would often tech up to mirage tanks and win via map control.
For Starcraft 2 I am a Terran player. I chose Terran because of the single player and its introduction to the mechanics. I have played around with Zerg and Protoss in custom games with clan mates. However, I am quite comfortable with the Terran mechanics and a few build orders.
At the moment I am focusing on my macro. After reading the reddit post and a follow up TL post on getting to Diamond just using macro. For the most part I have been using a rine + rauder + medivac + tank build. When playing protoss I will add in some vikings + ravens and after about 125 supply I like to add Thors.
When playing against Zerg, I tend to open 1-1-1 and use blue flame hellions then to banshees for harass. From there I use tank/rine/medivac. I tend to keep the banshees around to kill off any expo's. Lately, I have been experimenting with a Raven or two in order to kill expo's with their cannons.
TvT is a simple viking + tank + rine build. However, I have run into problems where when macro'ing my opponent will go Battlecruiser/Thor and steam rolls my army. The next game it happens I will post a replay and ask for help.
Since moving to a more macro oriented game my win ration has steadily gone up. Before this point I was relying on timing pushes. While they would work more than 50 percent of the time if they failed I was often in a large hole. I realized that at this point I did not understand the game in a deep enough sense in order to use timing pushes. Instead I now macro and harass.
On a personal level I am a Law Student at The University of Montana. Obviously, this takes up quite a bit of my time. In addition, I also enjoy mixed martial arts. I train with a local fight team. I have competed in a few different grappling tournaments. In everyone one I have medaled. I have yet to win a tournament but am working toward it.
I also took one kickboxing match last October. The fight went to a split decision that I lost. My opponent had 8 previous bouts. I felt very good about my performance. I am looking to take another fight in March or April.
Thanks for reading! More posts incoming!