On January 31 2011 07:49 Romantic wrote: Ah yes, because 20 people trolling in every chat saying the exact same thing for weeks on end is so funny\entertaining\unique.
Oh, I get it. You are purposefully misleading the trolls into trolling incredibly poorly and in a boring fashion XD. Very clever, OP. I'm sure nothing I write in this thread is going to affect how dumb people say dumb things in chat. Or... in this thread? *looks at you*
On January 31 2011 05:19 Chef wrote:No, man, like I totally loved this band before they were big. That means I have better taste than you. Also, check out all these indie bands you've never heard of. I know nobody likes them, but that's what makes me unique and cool. :o Seems like an apt comparison to me.
Umm, to use your comparison, one should enjoy music because it's subjectively good to the listener, not because it's popular? Disliking a band because it gets popular is dumb, being proud that the bands you like aren't popular is dumb, but so is only listening to popular music in the first place.
Same thing goes with BW. Like players for their gameplay, for their personality, for their physical appearance, whatever. Bandwagon trains on whoever is posting results at the moment is just lame. If you think you are special because you are the #1 Juni fanboy, well you're not. But if you just honestly like Juni, more power to you!
On January 30 2011 22:44 moopie wrote: This was cute. You forgot that Hydra fans are what became of effort fans which are what was left of Savior fans. Though I do like Hydra more than his predecessors.
I was never a Savior fan but I was the biggest Effort fan ever and am a big Hydra fan too
On January 31 2011 07:48 Xenocide_Knight wrote: The easiest way to troll Shine fanboys is to say everything he does is cheese. Seriously, every time Shine does an attack, even a timing attack at like the 25 minute mark, some how its called cheese -_-
A timing attack at the 25 minute mark? How is that even possible? Sounds like something Tasteless/Artosis would say.
Nice blog. Glad you didnt add categories for Reach/Yellow
What about old school Boxer and NaDa and July fanboys? i.e. the ones that have moved on to SC2? How do you troll their BW accomplishments?
Tsk, Tsk. No Neo.G Soulkey.
One of the very first times I watched BW was when Soulkey had just come out of dream league and proceed to all-kill right away. Liked his gameplay and interviews ever since, and is the reason I'm a Woongjin fan pretty much
United States10328 Posts
zero: so cute.
imo the most annoying fans are
1) bisu 2) flash 3) jd
On January 30 2011 22:46 FlashIsHigh wrote:Well I would like to say that I am a huge fanboy of Flash but I was a fan ever since I first saw him play bacj when he was like 14(or was it 15? Korean age confuses me lol  ) but I understand what your getting at and how everything u wrote is for fun  I remember when Flash was basically just marine/scv rushing everyone, and losing any game that got to carriers, and Klazart was calling him KT's wonderkid hahaha. I liked him a lot back then, but now he's just like some untouchable god. Even when he loses, it just seems like really bad luck.
In any case, I don't think anyone should have have to justify why they like a player If you like someone cause they win games, what's wrong with that? Especially if you're a Stork fan, what other reason is there to like him? I guess his dragon costume is pretty endearing.
Australia1187 Posts
On January 31 2011 07:48 Xenocide_Knight wrote: The easiest way to troll Shine fanboys is to say everything he does is cheese. Seriously, every time Shine does an attack, even a timing attack at like the 25 minute mark, some how its called cheese -_-
By that time his mechanics would have fallen apart so badly, the 'timing attack' would consist entirely of misrallied drones anyway, I'd say thats pretty cheesy
Hey Sea isn't that bad
HAHAHA, thats really gold :D maybe just biased a little, but becouse it's funny as hell, i like it ^^
Edit: Oh, and there is no need to troll Baby fans, he consistantly trolling his fans by himself XD
Estonia4504 Posts
I'd like more STX players and Leta in here. Leta is probably even more guilty of being cute than Zero.
This is a great writeup, I have to admit I just skimmed for my favorite players and they were all true. Have to go back and read the whole thing now.
Edit: Yes, as expected they are all hilarious.
Hey OP! Dont get trolled by some nubs... Epic blog is epic! Now all we need is MOARR!!
Amusing read, but some comments!!
Haha, I would add Hiya purely for that Free v Hiya @ Triathalon game. Trollable by saying his play is standard/poor/boring/uninspired/only good for that one game. :D
Other noteworthy's might include Leta, Light, Guemchi, and everyone who was REALLY good, but wayyyyy back in the day. Like 'oov, Boxer, Nal_ra, Yellow, maybe Xellos? You know... the old school crew of players who were amazing, but somehow not "amazing for their times" O (j/k, don't kill me!) I would say a list of team fanboys would be fun too. MBC just because of the show, KT/SKT1 because of bandwagon, CJ because of Idra/how they don't exist now, ACE becauses its ACE. lol
(side note, I would fall into fanboy clubs for Baby, Light, Bisu, Free, Action, JD, and any interesting Zerg players hehe O:D)
I'm a Stork, Bisu, Flash, Jaedong, SAvior fanboy. Sue me.
Haha this is spectacular.
Still, I'd argue that you don't cut flash fanboys like me enough slack. At least some of us have been with him since he was the cheddar terran.
Ma Jae YOOOOOON foreverrrrrr!!! Don't care about the match fixing. (I don't support it though.)
oov, July and Flash fanboy too. Those 4, probably in that order. :D
btw, you misspelled Savior, maybe intentionally?
How can you make a whole section about Sea fanboys and not take cheap shots at fakesteve!? The blind, Power rank distorting passion doesn't even get a mention? =(
I dig the hipster attitude on which progamers people are allowed to like.
But you forgot to mention the most annoying group of all! Rekrul fanboys. D:
Russian Federation327 Posts
How to troll Stork fans, the real guide: 1. Stork's play is brainless and lacks creativity 2. Bisu > Stork 3. 3-0 ed twice in a row. Hahaha
How to troll Bisu fans: 1. The only mu he can play is PvZ 2. He cant win over S class player and only good vs scrubs 3. Stork > Bisu
Flash: 1. Turtle/boring play 2. Out of MSL, OSL 3. Rate Flash lesser than 2 place in PR
My list of fanbase annoyance: 1. Stork (Mostly due to dual league hype) 2. Bisu 3. Flash 4. JD