Hello, I'd just like to extend this option out to anyone who would like to take it up for those wondering about my skill level, Im FromBoBaFeTt, been playing starcraft II since Phase 1 Beta(and I played it at blizzcon 2008 and won a small 3 round tournament after spending ~1 and a half days playing random 1v1s). I'm diamond in all leagues albeit low in rankings because I spend most of my fall and spring months studying for university, which only leaves time for some slight laddering and mostly a lot of practice matches. I also played Starcraft for 12 years before that starting in 1998.
Since I'm on xmas break I figured I'd help out anyone who wants it. I can't guarantee I'll turn a bronze into a diamond, but I can definitely help you advance to silver or even gold league. The only differences between all the leagues is familiarity with the "metagame" or strategies that are commonly used and the basic macro/micro/overall mechanics to execute these strategies. I also will help you when school starts back up however I can't promise I will be on all the time as studies are my top priority. For anyone interested, just message FromBoBaFeTt.560 in game.