Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this would be awesome, but wouldn't a starcraft anime be pretty great?
I'm not talking about one based on the game lore or anything, I'm talking like based on the game as an eSport. Think Prince of Tennis, Hajime no Ippou, or even Yu-Gi-Oh. It would be based on the players and how they interact, as well as the strategies they come up with.
There'd be all these dramatic scenes where the korean protagonist is tapping at the keyboard with inhuman APM, they'd shout out battle cries before executing their rush tactics, etc.
And they could come up with impossible scenarios that would probably never happen in the real game but with superhuman APM are technically possible. The spectators would shout things dramatically. "The drop! It's so well timed!" and when someone loses, they'd shout out things like "How can this be?! My 4gate is unstoppable!"
I don't know, I think it'd be amazing and I'd watch the shit out of it.
Nada would be the fanservice.
this would be so sick, especially with some animation of the in-game battles.
Yeah antagonist would be an evil chinese gamer who pracited for 11 years rigorously and is capable of 450+ apm, multi drops, etc..:D
10387 Posts
just as long as they don't have the same ppl who wrote the WoL script
On December 23 2010 20:16 Monokeros wrote: Nada would be the fanservice. I think you meant Reach.
Belgium6756 Posts
and during the game there would be 3 episode long flashbacks
Thank you. Just read the whole thing, and thank you so much.
On December 23 2010 22:24 iGrok wrote:Thank you. Just read the whole thing, and thank you so much.
yes. quite the read.
I love how 90% of the manga is people sitting at a computer. Not so easy to draw/write a compelling story. We need someone who can convey high APM really well in this style. I don't see why it can't be done though, isn't Bakuman a manga about drawing manga? SC is way more exciting than that.
I'd watch it, StarCraft in Prince of Tennis style would be so awesome :D
Yeah and then big buff dudes with pistols would just yield to the scrawny teenager who just beat them at a video game.
I have trust in the Japs to make any anime awesome, I would definately watch it!
I've read the "Starcraft Frontline" manga, (or imitation manga, w/e), and it was actually really good. I've love to watch an animated version, if only to watch huge space battles, which would be awesome.
there'd be so many things you could do with inhuman APM :D plus you could make up glitches, like one guy specialize in being able to make his marines fire twice as fast >_>
Man I was talking to my sister about this some time ago, and I think it'd be a perfect dramatization. They'd have to exaggerate the personalities of the players as well as give us a lovable hero for each 'season'; maybe each following the reign of the 4 bonjwas and then Bisu/Stork/Flash/JD. Too bad they'd have to make Tossgirl the likeable token girl... but then again maybe that can be January in the early seasons and Tossgirl can be the ojou-trope that mellows out a bit.