On November 07 2010 06:18 Romantic wrote: I don't know how people can do this. Even when I am on the computer all day when I don't have to work, I have to take breaks every 40 or so minutes and go walk around and enjoy the sunshine out of my window or play with my kitten or something. I've never understood how you can be so addicted that you never get up and move.
Dedication =/= addiction.
I assume he won't be on TL for about 14 hours as his body catches up on sleep. So somebody remember to check this blog for the update later.
OP is probably now hibernating for next 24 hours
that is a lot of gaming.
i can't even stay pull all nighters studying anymore so i can't even stay awake long enough to play that much.
I think it's pretty stupid and unhealthy to do anything for that long without sleeping, drinking and eating. Just make sure you don't die behind your computer.
Grats, just make sure you don't become the next person to die because of video games...
This blog seems familiar. I've seen it before.
If you're addicted... do you need someone to talk to? Pm me.
This blog has absolutely zero credibility until you post your iccup profile.
how did you attempt such a feat? I can't play for more than a couple of hours before my fingers hurt, or my eyes start to hurt. I commend you for your dedication (however unhealthy such a feat must have been).
On November 07 2010 05:41 Nitrogen wrote: sounds like you have an addiction
yeah, i posted this because its an addiction im not proud of lol, wasn't looking for and definitely wasnt expecting props lol
anyways, i can't sleep, because i actually should have used that time to do a lab report, 2 assignments, study for 2 quizzes all due on monday lol
i didnt play straight on one account, i use a couple
internal_error [uoft]FDP hamsuplo diu9lei chingpokstreet canyoudogatsby
although i dont think i used my main acc hamsuplo or canyoudogatsby as much as others. also, for some reason, the players at korean time are way easier than players at non-korean time lol.
i mainly played pvt, because every game was like "tvp, you p", so i tried out a variety of things such as fast reaver, bulldog, 2 base carrier rush, and playing macro. also i tried out some builds i saw progamers used, such as brave/m18m using forward gate vs skyhigh/piano (on maps with no ramp) and microing. i'm not really good but i did improve on stopping terran pushes
edit: my eyes are red and they sting a bit, i have some lumps on my neck but i think thats because of my lack of showering, and i have some really weird smelling fluid in my nose. head feels a bit heavy, but otherwise i dont feel like absolute shit
We want proof :OOOO
Otherwise, you're freakin awesome!
Edit: o lol dayum!
Only did 24+ hours once. But i was fucking around in UMS and taking some breaks.
I can't play more than 4 hours of ladder / day, so i have to say that your dedication / addiction is quite impressive
Vatican City State2594 Posts
On November 07 2010 06:21 vectorix108 wrote: wowww you sir, have intense dedication. this should be in the guiness book of world records People have died while playing more SC in a row, although that would probably be more of a Darwin's than a Guiness award
If you did this for the fun of it, you're suicidal.
Regardless of whether playing for 26 hours straight is dangerous or not, it's almost as bad as racing on the freeway for the same reason. Plus, what does it accomplish besides temporal fulfillment?
If you did this to improve, you're an idiot.
If even machines overheat and need to stop from time to time, start thinking about how much more does a human being needs its rest time as well. Your body is punishing you right now because you deserve it and I hope it lasts for a while.
I'd love for you to do this again, though.
On November 07 2010 05:54 Karliath wrote: Smoorn might have been temp banned, but he's right. Neglecting sleep and food is just stupid.
People like you suddenly die, it goes into the news, and then we all get a bad rep. It's because of people like you that in my Congress Debates, I actually have a bill that says, "Due to the number of video game related deaths, game manufacturers should be obligated create timers that will turn off a game for an allotted time after a person has played x hours." NFL student congress?
And hey! Its a cool feat, don't dis that. Nice run OP!
On November 07 2010 06:21 Thrill wrote:Show nested quote +On November 07 2010 06:18 Romantic wrote: I don't know how people can do this. Even when I am on the computer all day when I don't have to work, I have to take breaks every 40 or so minutes and go walk around and enjoy the sunshine out of my window or play with my kitten or something. I've never understood how you can be so addicted that you never get up and move. Dedication =/= addiction.
I hope you didn't write that with a straight face.
How is anybody seriously praising the OP for this? You can spend the whole day playing scbw, yeah that's your choice what you do with your time. But, nobody should be completely neglecting sleep, food and drink all at the same time for 26 hours straight. And nobody should be encouraging that sort of behaviour. People have died doing such things.
OP, try and take care of your body please!