Sorry I haven't been posting a lot. I have been trying to at least play 1 game a day, but haven't had the time. I have been swimming and watching the GSL replays (Only Set 1 of course!) and now I'm watching MLG Dallas. I just have 1 question for all of you readers, actually it's 2 but whatever. 1st, what is the busiest day you have had in your life so far. 2nd does anyone know why Chill added like 10 streams on Monday, and did no more for the rest of the week? I'm not complaining, just wondering if anyone knew if he was busy or out. Oh well, thanks for reading and I will definitely have some games tomorrow. Also, whats a good site to post replays to. Thanks for reading! Hope to hear from you in the comments
Graduate school (the entirety of it) has been the busiest life of my life, let's put it that way. I think I will succumb to PhD. studies.
I also wonder if there's a RepDepot version for SC2 replays.
And I don't know about Chill. Maybe he's on a secret protocol of adding a stream a day, but decided to add 10 on Monday to get a week and a half off.
United States3573 Posts
Doing a 24h shift on the ambulance while squeezing in an online exam in between calls and writing reports. Worst day ever. Lol
The other questions, I have no clue.