Not really here to play a pity party, but I have been observational of myself lately and it's kinda feeling lame.
All of my friends went off to college and are just beginning to make something of themselves and/or have already. A lot of my friends have kids, are in the process of having kids, have an on going relationship, or if they don't they have something else that keeps them quite happy (college life, good job, hobbies).
I feel like I am lacking in this area. I feel like it quite literally sucks to be me. 7 years ago I started working for Topper's Pizza as a delivery driver. I'm now an assistant manager who made gross 37k last year. What a measly sum. I mean I think it is, it is right? The way the company is and how the economy is, I have no way of moving up, but I have some sort of loyalty to the company as well, so I don't want to go looking for another job.
I have talents, working with computer hardware, my voice gets compliments consistently from calling orders at work by customers. My proficiency at writing is decent. Somehow I have overlooked these strengths and found a way to just be a guy that cuts pizzas, has to deal with disrespectful minimum wage employees for hours and whip them into shape (but for what purpose, so they can learn to be better minimum wage employees with no reason to have a future in the company?).
My truck is falling apart, but I didn't even pay for it, so I should be okay, it was given to me. I'm about to take my first vacation in 7 years, going to MLG Dallas for both Super Smash Bros Brawl and Starcraft 2 competition, despite never doing anything spectacular in either. I just couldn't really come up with anything to do for a vacation since I'm a boring individual who has no real passions outside of competitive gaming and music.
So honestly, TL... What should I do. Start looking for another job? But I have no college education, stuck in an apartment where I can't afford to go to college full time and catch up in life.
Oh forgot to mention I've been every women's gay best friend for about 7 years now as well, despite being straight, upfront and honest with the ones I have been interested in about my emotions, to barely any success. I'm not even bad looking at all, and plenty of women have been attracted to me, but the ones that are, are usually insane and into drugs, not an intellectual equal whatsoever (this has to do with me not going to college and meeting women there), "sluts", etc... I still give em a chance and go on dates to see if there is something there, and I had a sorta relationship, but it ended really bad.
Generally I'm not much of a success, and I see on TL all of these people are such successes in something. All I have succeeded in is showing up to my job on time, barely calling in sick, and not taking a vacation for 7 years. I also live in a nice apartment with some roommates. I mean I gotta be somewhat positive. I feel like I'm OKAY at everything, but not great at anything. I have things I get interested in but once I try to get into it it fades again. Most video games are dead to me as well. Starcraft 2 is like the only thing I play. I used to be that guy that would be excited about every rpg coming out and play them whenever they did, had so much passion. Now they just all feel like they suck, including the big name ones (Dragon Quest IX, FFXIII, new Tales games).
So back to the subject, maybe I've hit a mid-life crisis early at the age of 25, but I'm just rather depressed, don't know what to do with my time, all my friends except for 1 have moved away onto greater things. All I have left is browsing the internet mindlessly all day finding out useless stuff that the teenagers at work seem to be amazed that I know, before they realize once again I'm 25 with a dead-end career, no education, and no skills, and go back to being unimpressed.
TLDR: I am jealous of EVERYONE and their life around me. It feels like everyone is doing so many more things than me, and I'm just learning about stuff on the internet and working away at a nice pizza place till I die.
meh, your not so bad off. What do you want out of life?
this is wat u do to solve all ur lifes problems. u say all ur friends have better lives? here is how 2 succed like them. follow my instructions very carefully.
first, u put out a job posting on a popular job website like monster.com. make sure its super amazing job, liek 100k per year to massage boobies. rent out a convention center to do the interviews and dress in a suit and talk like some1 educated. when lots of ppl come, make sure to keep the resumes of those that look like u. take photos for records and then do a second round calling them back, but ask for their social security number for "background checks."
second, take the social security number and photo and get a social security card with it. u can tell the gov that you lost it and need a new 1, just keep being persistent and u'll get it. use the card to get a drivers license. use the drivers license to get a credit card. use the credit card 2 buy an international flight. use ur real credit card to buy another ticket for u. so now u have 2 tickets, 1 in ur name and 1 under the job interview guy whose cc u faked.
third, check into the airport under ur id and under his id. board the plane as him. then when ur on the plane, tell the stewardess u need to get off bc u left a very important bag in the waiting area. she will say no but u have to force it. make sure she lets u off. then go to the bathroom, shave off all ur hair, change ur clothes, then board the plane as urself (make sure to check in).
now the plane takes off with 2 ppl checked in, but when it lands only 1 person gets off. boom somewhere over the atlantic u have disappeared. the white house and fbi be like wtf howd u do that pizza guy?? (don't tell them baller told u how, but plz remember who helped u, i may need a favor 1 day).
ur off the gird enjoy ur new life jason bourne.
lol at this post above me!
But I think you should work on trying to achieve what you want with a more positive outlook. Maybe lower your expectations a little as well?
I one day hope to live on the street. Lay around 42nd street and make clever cardboard signs, like "bumatlarge tweets: ..... Yep, still hungry and cold."
Go to school for some sort of computer related subject for 5 years and crack down six figures, seems pretty straight forward to me.
The process and the -massive- work load involved is the hard part, thus why it pays so much. Do you really want to make 40k and live among the dregs of society for the rest of your life? What is going to change if you don't make it change?
On October 28 2010 14:04 n.DieJokes wrote: meh, your not so bad off. What do you want out of life?
This is the problem. I just want a wife someday, some kids, a decent job where I don't have to slave away all day, all night, work weekends, and have no time to spend time with said kids.
The reason why it's a problem is I have never known what I wanted to do career wise, and restaurant management is the antithesis of the goal I have for my personal life.
On October 28 2010 14:16 Loanshark wrote: lol at this post above me!
But I think you should work on trying to achieve what you want with a more positive outlook. Maybe lower your expectations a little as well?
LOL@the joke post, that was pretty good.
Like I outlined above, I don't think my expectations are all that high.
On October 28 2010 14:36 VonLego wrote: Go to school for some sort of computer related subject for 5 years and crack down six figures, seems pretty straight forward to me.
The process and the -massive- work load involved is the hard part, thus why it pays so much. Do you really want to make 40k and live among the dregs of society for the rest of your life? What is going to change if you don't make it change?
I'm one of those fail school types. Failed every class since 4th grade. Depression, social anxiety, etc... Some other disorders I'm sure I have. I had a pretty fucked up past, but won't waste your time with that. Seriously getting a job, and holding it for so long, was a monumental achievement in my life, but as always I'm fighting from behind everyone else it feels like.
you have to honestly ask yourself what you want in life. maybe a change of location would do you good.
sometimes drastic measures can really help, you can get a work visa and live in an interesting new place, you can restructure yourself to how you want to be.
do this,:get a paper and ask yourself what you want in 5 years. be realistic but dont feel inferior about it.
you think you are not fit for anything than pizza but that makes no sense. you are a human being. unless you have like 60 IQ you can fulfill any realistic expectations you have, (with the least bit of luck.) I know prospects might seem low but that fear is actually the main think holding you back.
fear is the mind killer!
I'd say take some classes on things that you seem interesting to you at a community college or online since you spend so much time online. Take a variety of interesting stuff and hope you find something that you are really passionate about, something that you would want to do for free but are going to get paid to do anyways. I' think doing something you love is one of the most important things in life, along with finding someone you love. And I'm sure you'll meet someone great eventually.
I am in no way qualified to answer this because I have been fortunate enough to be helped along in many ways in my life. But I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities!
It seems like you are trying to bite off so much at once and it is overwhelming you. You have a distant target (family, kids, better career, etc.) but there are intermediary steps that need to be taken first. I personally think you need to start with baby steps and work your way up to your perfect scenario.
You said you aren't a school type of person, but there are many types of career education that don't involve sitting in a class room taking notes. Have you looked into any technical schools or career centers? Many offer basic to advanced classes for things such as automotive repair or computer technician. Maybe a more hands on approach to learning would pique your interest. I think you just need to start working towards something, whatever that may be.
I wouldn't worry too much about the women stuff, most of it is beyond your control and as you continue to better yourself it will all fall into place imo.
Just don't look at the big picture and get depressed, try to keep focusing on your small goals. Maybe pass a class at a technical school, fill out job apps, try to get interviews, get a new job, etc. You don't need to do it all at once, so don't think you need to!
Have you ever considered taking part time education in a trade? trades pay damn well and can get you good work easy. if you have to do a bunch of easy high school stuff online first dont worry about it.
seriously i knew a plumber who made like 500 a day plumbing.
Just remember that you don't have it all that bad, 37k a year is something a lot of people would love right now. Yeah, it could be better, but it's not that bad at all. Just stay optimistic and keep hacking away at finding a new job and maybe a girl.
LOL best baller's post ever - and god knows how good previous posts were. Holy shit, how the hell did you come up with that sick idea baller ? I'm impressed.
On topic : I think you're not in such a bad situation. I know you can always always find worse, and always find better. You are at least employed, and living in a nice apartment. Could be worse eh. And you're 25, I really think it's fine if you don't have kids yet. The biggest issue with the girl is maybe due to a lack of confidence. I was in the exact same situation as you after high school. A lot of girls were "oh endy's really cute", "oh endy's the smartest kid in the class", but I almost always ended up single lol, I was so depressed Then I gained some confidence and everything worked out very well.
What I suggest you is trying to get some new friends. I'm not saying your current friends suck, it's just that if everytime you hang out with them their attention is focused on their new born baby and how happy they are since he's born, and how much they are successful in their career, it's gonna give you a false impression that you suck.
37,000 of anything is a lot. imagine if u had 37,000 million dollar bills. then ud be able to buy italy. if u think about it this way, ur making more money than the entire economy of most countries.
On October 28 2010 15:02 endy wrote: LOL best baller's post ever - and god knows how good previous posts were. Holy shit, how the hell did you come up with that sick idea baller ? I'm impressed. i read it on reddit
edit omfg lol "reddit" i just got it
You're not a fourth grader anymore, you're a grown man.
What is harder--- an engineering course or a marriage?
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
what makes you happy? make this your #1 priority. you are single, young, and have 37k a year at your disposal to find a fucking hobby. go skiing? go to a music festival? get a dog (highly recommended)? take care of yourself first, and everything else can't help but follow.
i'm so tempted to just close this thread so you'll get up and do something but it is nice having a bunch of people comfort you a little every now and then. baby steps, then - practice hard for MLG dallas with the goal of having fun. go to the TL meetup. at least find out the names of the educational institutions around you and what courses they offer in general. i don't know just go do something!!
France2061 Posts
Oh god I knew baller was going to post in this blog as soon as I started reading it
I agree with intrigue.You're only 25. Get off your ass and do something.
You've already demonstrated independence and the ability to manage your own life. This is an excellent foundation to work with. Others have mentioned both the community college option and the vocational training option. I think both of these are good ideas for you to consider.
I've known plenty of people that struggled in the K-12 environment, yet flourished in the college environment. It's very possible that you just need to find the right environment for you to succeed.