So... to finish college, I am interning at a magazine publication as part of the writing staff. I get assignments every week and usually write an average of 4-5 stories every two weeks.
Well, I usually write pretty fast once I structure out a story, so I often find myself with time to kill. Also, sometimes I just am too high or too tired to do any real work so I started building this little robot at the office out of folded paper, paperclips, and tape.
At this very moment, my friends, I have completed the robot. I am at work right now so I could only take pictures with my awesome, very expensive cellphone, so please dont fret too much about the quality.
![[image loading]](http://i55.tinypic.com/53n5gx.jpg) Here it is! He is just barely taller than a soda can -_-
![[image loading]](http://i56.tinypic.com/2cyfgcm.jpg) A more dynamic angle so you can see the depth
![[image loading]](http://i52.tinypic.com/25u2koi.jpg) wOOOWooowoooo scary paper ghost robot!
I built a paperclip frame for his main body, as well as for his head and feet. Then I added more paperclip weights on the feet to keep him standing and stable.
You can't see it in the pictures very well, but he also has a paperclip antenna
Lol, needless to say my boss doesn't know about him yet. Not quite sure how he would take it, haha.
is awesome32269 Posts
What a badass. So cool, well done :D
Next project = paper mache fighter jet?
hahah dont show it to your boss...
he needs a heart on his torso!
"Let's put a smile on that face"
That's really cute. Give it to a girl, she'll appreciate it a lot
Pretty cool. Now give him a voice and he'll be even cooler and scarier.
reminds me of minecraft x.X
wow thanks everyone. ^_^ I had no idea it would receive so much love.
Stop motion wouldnt work, unfortunately, because everything is set in place.
I think I'm going to hide it in my boss's office somewhere once my internship is over and I leave I wrote my first name on the bottoms of my robot's feet so if they will eventually figure it out.
Come to think of it, I've hidden things at all the places I've worked at lol. Like at my last job, I wrote a four page nautical poem, put it in an envelope, then sealed it with an official looking wax stamp. I hid it underneath a little model boat in the meeting room No one will find that thing until year and years and years and years from now when they finally move that boat model to dust for their once-a-century deep cleaning job.
Haha, I wonder if they will even open it.