- Introduction -
Notice the name yet? I was thinking of a name but I just came up with that since it is pretty straight forward to what this really is and this is that this blog is just me writing what I want to talk about in a half hour. The subjects will mostly be about how improve yourself in life general, work ethics, and sometimes tie this into gaming both casual and competitive.
First lets start with an introduction of myself. Hello, I am Zero-D, I am a Computer Science Major working on graduating on the next fall semester with a Bachelor's degree, I am 21, barely the drinking age. This semester just like previous semesters has been a pain on free time, I think most people can relate to not having the free time they are used to, especially gamers. But we must do what we must to succeed.
This blog I am creating is for the reader to get something out of it. Since I usually browse this forum I wanted to do something productive and contribute in some way to this community, so thus this blog is born.
Now the subject at hand, the first in a series that will be named The Bane of Deadlines
Bane #1: Procrastination.
Now why bane? Well I had no other name for them maybe vices... but bane sounds alright.
Why is procrastination a Bane? Good question. This is because not only will your procrastination make this tougher in the future as the deadline comes in, the quality of the product you will give will not be the best it can be. This in no way a good thing for what you need in you career life, definitely not a work.
Lets talk about procrastination itself.
What is it?
+ Show Spoiler +
(Its metal gear...)
Procrastination is when we have an objective to do that has a deadline set, for example, a science project which would be due in November, and we set the task to do on a later day than we should say not start to work on it until a week before November.
The very core of what procrastination is on a psychological level. Procrastination is usually due to the anxiety and/or stress one gets when something comes up with a deadline and not wanting to deal with it.
Well I say to you good sir or madam
Deal with it.
Seriously just do.
How to deal with it?
Well it is like most of these kind of things, you just plain don't do it. Its like a drinking problem, how do you deal with it, well... don't drink. But this is just not good enough sometimes. We all procrastinate, we just do, we deal with other things in our lives, not just one thing, but multiple. So a better answer can be to be able to settle down and realize that you need to do it and you anchor yourself down to do it. This is what I want to get out of you. This attribute of being able to just get stuff done and do it, not pussy footing it.
This is a great attribute to have, learn about how to get yourself to get the job done.
Do you get distracted by something?
Do you do something out of habit that doesn't let you do it?
Do you need something to buckle yourself down, something external, like say someone to keep "nagging" you or pressure?
- Self Reflection -
Write these things down in this self reflection, and see what you can do with it to deal with procrastination if you have this problem. This in no way will solve you problem down right, but I am hoping it will help.
If you actually want to, you can post an answer to the above questions that relate to you and how you try to deal with it. Or just discuss the bane in general and how you just deal with it, so others may take your advice or knowledge of the subject.
- Next Subject -
Next subject will be Time Management and how this relates to procrastination in one of the ways to prevent procrastination.
30 minute mark.
Till next time
PS: If you get the joke, you sir or madam are awesome