Well..it has been a long day, been tiring and no internet in the past 5 hours due to some electrical problem for my entire residential area. I suspected it could be hardware failure since my mom said it happened twice earlier while I was at industrial training.....so back to the topic.
Today, I learn another lesson where stupidity can be lethal. Yes, lethal. I'm having my industrial training for engineering (Second year at the moment) in a laboratory equipment manufacturing company, so its been my third week there. I had been testing a system for quality control before shipping it out. They had been fixing it and etc and today I'm suppose to test it again.
I had a portable transformer prepared in advance (for 110V instead of regular 240 V in my country). They weren't done so I'm like, ok put it aside. I had another device that needed testing (An air conditioning unit) so I'm like removing refrigerant R-134a then use a compressor to vacuumize it. When I wanted to vacuum it......the power plug can't reach since its too short lol. So, I go figure....I'll just use the transformer, it'll reach just fine!
So a bit of yada yada set up and then yeah. Click, no power on. Wtf? I check the wiring and I'm like ok, the wirings were yanked out or something. So ok, need to fix. I turn it off and set to reinsert the wire into the slot. Sparks went off, ok got a bit spooked. It turns out i turned off the wrong plug. Ok, turned them off. Reinsert wire, ok. All cool. Turn on, Ok I see voltage readings on the device, cool. As I want to turn it around, I mistakenly placed a finger right at the output connectors....yes.
I'm still alive but I was sure I could have died from that. Didn't fall or anything, just got quite a big shock than normal (I get some shocks before but nothing this big) It felt really close to having a heart attack (since I heard from Mythbusters that 45 mA (miliamperes) is enough to kill you lol)
So.....now, I'm suppose to be an engineer in training and why the hell am I doing stuff like a damn stupid idiot? At this rate, I might be dead before I even end my training lol. Enough of this rant of myself, have a good night / day yea all lol.
Vatican City State2594 Posts
Good thing you didn't die, and it's a good thing that this happened. Maybe from now on you will be infinitely more careful, knowing that death is a possible consequence. GL HF.
Grats on still being alive, thats certainly good.
And of course someone with the name Murderotica would be first in this blog
Once I managed to touch an improperly insulated power switch on a PC while I was holding it trying to get it working. I believe it was 230V 50Hz but not sure, it could have been transformed already. Barely noticed, just some crawling, I thought I just touched some rough part of the aluminium case. Got a bit scared when I realized what happened, especially since I have a pacemaker.
An non-idiot who is careful in all circumstances, was most likely an idiot at some point.
As the Russian dude above me said, you'll be less reckless from now on, not only because of rational reasons, but out of instinct as well.
Vatican City State2594 Posts
On September 28 2010 01:37 mikku wrote: Grats on still being alive, thats certainly good.
And of course someone with the name Murderotica would be first in this blog Suicides only detract from my profession/hobby, I don't see your point.
u - go - to - hospital , and stay there for the next 24 hours and tell them what happened, no argue.
how does it feel to get such a big shock? does your brain get warm? can you smell burnt flesh? did you pass out?
From the militarist school of life: that which does not kill me will make me stronger or
If your not endangering your life in some way, your not on the right track to be an engineer. That's pretty much 90% of the engineers at my university's motto.
Well, my old physics teacher was repairing a big washing machine or something like that without cutting power to it... 600 volts and the damn drunkard still lives :/ no idea how.
So yeah happens to the best of us.. just remember that electricity isn´t good for you in the future.
I got zapped (hand/arm were throbbing with agony) plugging in my rice cooker with a wet hand. Seems like 110V here in Canada is a good thing after all.
While working on some wiring in my house I got really frustrated with wearing gloves because they didn't fit. I took em off and got zapped pretty hard. I picked my gloves off the floor and put em back on.
It's not Volt that kills, it's the Ampere. I got zapped with 220V as well, just annoyed the tip of my finger a good bit.
I'm an engineering student.. but electricity still scares the crap out of me. I really should go re-study basic electricity stuff.
Vatican City State2594 Posts
A few weeks ago I was trying to fix my car's A/C fan and I was just fumbling around in electrical wiring trying to find the fan (after removing the side panel of the passenger side, by the glove compartment) and idk what happened but I zapped myself damn hard while I was in there. Took like 10 minutes for my arm to stop being numb/pins+needles. Ended up fixing it though. Still unsure what happened in there, I think my car was getting retribution for all the times I left empty food wrappers and semen on it.
Here's a fun one: grab a regular 1.5v battery. Hold a finger onto one of the electrodes, and lick the other one with your tongue.
I thought you were gonna tell a story about someone's own suicide in your same situation T.T anyways im glad youre ok =D
On September 28 2010 02:53 BottleAbuser wrote: Here's a fun one: grab a regular 1.5v battery. Hold a finger onto one of the electrodes, and lick the other one with your tongue. This is weaksauce man, when I was a kid we stuck 9Vs to our tongues. (It's really not dangerous, just feels weird as hell)
I think that the title is a bit of a misnomer... Isn't the definition of suicide to INTENTIONALLY kill oneself?
I think my car was getting retribution for all the times I left empty food wrappers and semen on it. and seriously? that's disgusting.