God, I love winning a nice match I also love matches where i have to fight to win! but damn it i can barely play a match because of the adrenaline i get >.< after a good match i end with shaking hands and pounding heart lol
it's sooooo annoying! does anyone else experience this or am i a unique case thats doomed to being sucky at SC2 cuz i cant play as much as i want?
I turn to TL to rant and also to ask people who have the same thing (if there are some) how do i deal with it? I rarely rage after lost matches, but its the shaky hands that do my head in, i have super sensitive mouse made even sensitiver(is that a word) by a mousepad made for the mouse (razer mouse and pad) so shaky hands really screws up my micro. TL, as the best repository of competitive Starcraft and WoL players of anywhere, share your wisdom?
Edit: LOL at the blog thats uses thou and art in the title just under mine >.< (and i was going for a BBT reference)
is awesome32268 Posts
I used to get very nervous when playing league/team matches cause sometimes the result depended on if I win/lose. I got rid of that by playing less serious in important games, like doing a funny strat or something like that :p
I also got a similar thing when playing long TvTs, but I guess it has to do with how demanding they were of me hahaha.
haha thanks for the tip IntotheWow (love ur name btw) thing is i only ladder to practice >.< really, i dont care for rankings (altho not being gold wud be nice since i forfeited a placement match cuz dinner was ready and then lost to a diamond player)
but its hard to improve when i get so wired after a match, even when i practice agaisnt mates
I used to be exactly the same: practice on my mind, sit down and play a practice game. Get pumped up: "Im going to play 15 games today." I ended up playing 3, couldn't stand the aggrevation and stress. (however dumb that sounds)
But recently i realized a few things:
1. You can't always win. In life. Period. Imagine if you could? Where would the fun in that be? You'd already know the score even before it began. God damn awful. Fuck that. (this is where the adrenaline comes from actually: you just don't know if you're gonna win or lose) Exciting, isn't it?
2. To improve at the game, you need to play the game. A lot. and when i say play the game i mean PLAY THE GAME. Some knowledge comes from observing, some comes from reading. The most important thing in the game: game-sense; comes from PLAYING.
3. It's a god damn fun game, just play it and enjoy. If you lose, well, you sucked. Play another. You lost again? You ain't gonna see me crying over your petty losses... Just play it No intelligent player cares about points or win records. They don't represent your skill at this game (they do to some extent, but that's minimal).
And some final words: It's a game for you, not a job. Improvement is on my mind, no.1 spot. But sometimes you just have to enjoy it a bit, have fun with it. Just to fill up those "pleasure" bars in your head. An olympic level athlete doesn't spend his whole day working out and worrying about results. He has to relax a certain ammount to stay healthy and sane.
Cya on the ladder biatches!
haha love ur post Dooba, and thank you, thats really helpful :-) and yea im not a ratings whore, I just enjoy winning plus i want to be GOOD, thats what i care about, i want to be able to say to myself 'you know what? I'm actually GOOD at this game"
guess it'll take a lot of gaming, alot of practice to get it that winning isnt all important and to just relax and all (btw, 3 games is also my limit, weird huh?)
is awesome32268 Posts
Don't worry too much. It took me quite some time to get """decent""" at BW.
SC2 is going to live for a long time probably, so don't rush yourself, just enjoy playing and you will get good eventually.
Good luck!
I got it in every TvT ... one mistake and your tank line is gone :/
well, id really love for someone to look at my play and tell me what they think, but i dont really want to create a useless thread for it >.< shud i post it here? because i believe that i shud be in platinum and not gold, and my friend keeps telling me i shud be in diamond but he doesnt know much. do you guys wanna see a couple of replays i have? (i have 2 i can post, a pvp and a pvt)
You post on TL so you think about the game enough to be diamond no problem. I'm actually happy to take a look at some games (enjoy watching as much as playing) so just throw them in here or PM me and I'll have a look =D.
I used to get the jitters a lot as well. Eventually you'll hit a point where you lose so many games in a row you stop caring. Just don't quit the game when that happens, take it at face value and enjoy the rest of your playing. I know I feel in a similar state after a hard game where I've had to work. I actually have to tell my friends I'm taking a break because I just can't bring myself to keep playing sometimes.
Just while it's fresh in my mind - the Forcefields + Collosi at the end of the xel naga game were hot.
Ok first off - forget EVERYTHING you think you know about the economics of the game. You can be an encyclopedia on how many gates are suitable on x bases and so on, but if your build isn't smooth, you'll be shooting yourself in the foot by committing yourself to them.
Have a look at the xel'naga replay and check two things: 1 - how much time your nexus spent idle (not building probes) 2 - how much time your gateways were dormant
When you consider how long you had gateways not producing units, you'll notice you could produce the same number of units (or even more in some cases) from less gates. From your knowledge you know that 3gate Robo is supportable on 1 base - but barely. In fact, if you're efficient with your macro, you'll find you have to cut probes and most certainly can't expand without cutting unit production at some point. Try playing a game against a very easy computer (something that won't kill you) and just try to flawlessly produce units from your nexus, Robo and 3 gateways. If you dont miss any pylons and keep continuous units production you'll find yourself totally broke! Once you get good at keeping your unit production smooth and constant, you'll find that not only can you absolutely demolish a lot of pushes, you'll have many openings to kill your opponent. I actually consider 3gateRobo very all-in, because if you do it efficiently, you can't expand - and if you do expand, you may as well have simply gone 2gate robo (unless you're against a super agressive P player in a mirror and you get into one of those funky mineout situations - though even then, there's usually an opening to expand).
The next thing that's very important is to simply hotkey your army! Even if to start with you just put them all onto '1', you'll be able to react quicker and more cleanly to your opponent, and you'll be able to push out without feeling like you've got to choose between microing your units, and looking after your bases. As you get more comfortable, split them up so that you can control sentries separately to your stalker/zeal mix for example. I personally use 1 for zealots/sentries, 2 for stalkers/immortals, 3 for immortal/Collos (target firing during battles), 4 for templar etc. Even if you just have random chunks of your army split over 2-3 hotkeys, you'll be able to flank and pull little traps.
Finally, be sure to scout effectively. Keep your probe in the terrans base as long as you can. if you're really good about playing chicken with his first marine, you can usually see if they're going for a Factory or 3+ rax push. If you see 2 gas, you know he's doing something with tech, so you need to be aware of drops or banshee play. If you see lots of rax going down, forget about expanding early etc etc. Without this knowledge, you're playing blind, and that rarely lets you react with an optimal build. Even once the first probe is dead, send another one a minute later. If you only manage to get to the top of the ramp you can still see a MM count, possible Rax count, maybe a tech building if he's put it close or addons etc. When you're not trying to scout his mix, keep a probe or something closer to where he pushes. Leave it at the bottom of his ramp, or by his xel'naga to give yourself the biggest amount of reaction time.
In general though, focus on smooth macro - keep all of your unit producing structures busy, and expand/tech/add more when you can no longer spend your income with the existing infrastructure. Do your best to get used to hotkeying your army, and practise conciously scouting. You always want to know what your opponent is doing, so be proactive about finding out!
Finally, the biggest mistake learning players make, is they assume their hands are too slow to cope with what they want to do. Believe it or not, you'll find it's the other way around. Your hands can do things amazingly quickly! Can you touch type for example? The limiting factor, is in actuallity your ability to remember what it is you have to do, and how much concentration you have to dedicate to executing it. Without 'spamming' or artificially bumping your apm, you'll find as you remember things more quickly and cleanly execute them, your APM will naturally rise. I'm sitting comfortably at 1150 on the SEA server, and my APM sit around 170-200 early-midgame where I remember every pylon, every production cycle etc, but as I add more and more expansions, tech, units etc, my memory and concentration slip. While there's more to do, my apm drops to 100-130 because I'm unable to remember every pylon, every production cycle, every probe etc.
This is generalising somewhat, but hopefully it's helpful dude. Gl