Hi guys, I was clubbing last night and had a 'few' drinks, and there was this Manga movie screened on the background in one of the clubs.
I can't find what it is on google, so I'm asking you experts to help me.
All I know that there was this guy with a TV instead of his head with green face, and a white girl with one boob exposed, and they were fighting some blue policemen and robots or smething.
I think one of the characters was called Retro, and the movie might have been made in 2006, but I'm not sure bout that. It was an awesome fight epic fight scenes, and the green dude lost his body and found a robot instead near the end.
Anybody knows what this is?
I am counting on you TL,
Katowice25012 Posts
I am so intrigued by this idea that a club was playing anime, where the fuck were you? is that kind of shit normal in the uk? why did you capitalize the word "manga"?
i have many questions.
On September 12 2010 21:45 LemOn wrote:
All I know that there was this guy with a TV instead of his head with green face, and a white girl with one boob exposed, and they were fighting some blue policemen and robots or smething.
For the love of God, why the hell would you want to find a manga like that?
Korea (South)2971 Posts
On September 12 2010 21:56 heyoka wrote: I am so intrigued by this idea that a club was playing anime, where the fuck were you? is that kind of shit normal in the uk? why did you capitalize the word "manga"?
i have many questions. My high school had a pretty big anime club... then again my high school was also 70% asian so I dunno.
On September 12 2010 21:56 heyoka wrote: I am so intrigued by this idea that a club was playing anime, where the fuck were you? is that kind of shit normal in the uk? why did you capitalize the word "manga"?
i have many questions.
Its a cool place called Sneaky Pete's - they have Bass, electro, drum n' base chill out etc.
They always have a projector on where they show some cool shit with sound muted, and there is a DJ /DJs spinning music either on the side or they get them a white T shirt and they mix right in front of the projector wall so that the movie gets projected on them.
I really love the Idea as you get wasted, listen to some sick electro and watch movies like Manga or Predator in the background while dancing in case you get bored.
It was really awesome watching that movie with nonstop action scenes with Drum n' base blasting in a darkened room with fog and people dancing.
Thank you sir, that was so fast!
United States24579 Posts
Katowice25012 Posts
The movie thing is common enough at bars, I don't get why they would play anime though. To be fair I once watched Pretty in Pink in one of those situations which is just as bizarre.
That still doesn't explain why you capitalized manga. Twice.
This is anime, not manga! *cry*
Lol heyoka, Micronesia and Synapse, you guys made my day