On September 12 2010 15:52 Roffles wrote: You can always just contribute by posting better and setting a good example for newcomers.
Every little thing counts. By being a good poster, you're already contributing to the well being of the site. You will move along just fine doing this. You don't need to join the graphics team, write articles, start a stream, etc. "Contributing" is a very loose word, just don't do anything stupid.
On September 12 2010 15:11 Funnytoss wrote: To me, a big problem is with the huge amount of noise right now in TL with the huge influx of posters (and it isn't just because so many are new, it's the fact that there are so many in of itself), where even if people don't necessarily make boneheaded posts, they don't really add anything useful to the discussion either, just stating their opinion which may be nice on a small forum, but overkill when maybe 2/3rds of an interesting thread is taken up by one-liners.
That's why I've actually started posting less, because I don't want to be adding to the problem - if there are simply too many posts, people have a tendency to just skim and overlook stuff, which overall degrades the quality of the forum. So, I try to post only when I think it will be useful to the thread, or when I'm having a discussion with someone, where I know we're actually communicating with each other rather than simply stating our opinions in a one-way fashion.
A lot of people skip over the low post newbies these days, I often do.
Since Gamescom/IEM, having met many awesome people I've really felt the need to contribute more to this great community. But I actually feel like doing this through posting is harder than ever. Often times when there's some idiot saying stupid things (which are in the big majority of the time NOT ban/report worthy) I feel like posting but then I hesitate and think "hm what's best for this site" and I often end up thinking it's best if I just dont post anything at all and dont make a flamewar go even deeper than it is. Plus I already have over 5000 posts and I dont think I've done that much good in those ^^
But yeah I've already thought about working a bit on liquipedia, especially the strategy section. It's still so so empty. It's intimidating to do much because I'm simply not that good of a player but if I stick close to high lvl replays and am careful what I write I hope I can still contribute.
But if anyone needs any help with any sort of TL-related project plz plz pm me.
On September 12 2010 19:39 7mk wrote: Since Gamescom/IEM, having met many awesome people I've really felt the need to contribute more to this great community. But I actually feel like doing this through posting is harder than ever. Often times when there's some idiot saying stupid things (which are in the big majority of the time NOT ban/report worthy) I feel like posting but then I hesitate and think "hm what's best for this site" and I often end up thinking it's best if I just dont post anything at all and dont make a flamewar go even deeper than it is. Plus I already have over 5000 posts and I dont think I've done that much good in those ^^
But yeah I've already thought about working a bit on liquipedia, especially the strategy section. It's still so so empty. It's intimidating to do much because I'm simply not that good of a player but if I stick close to high lvl replays and am careful what I write I hope I can still contribute.
But if anyone needs any help with any sort of TL-related project plz plz pm me.
I understand what you mean, sometimes I feel like adding my voice to a discussion in agreement/disagreement but don't because it feels like it "doesn't really need to be said" and would be further cluttering up the site. I posted hardly anything for a few weeks there for this reason.
Just for your own sake though, I've always thought your posts are the epitome of quality, usually something thoughtful and interesting - which when I joined, made your name one of the ones I recognised regularly . Not to mention the awesome cover you did of 'Abuseful Day' during TSL2.
I'd like to think I'm contributing by not being a complete moron, the more space i take up the less space for the morons! yay ^_^
This community was once meant for the die hard brood war fans - People who really loved that game and the Korean pro scene. Having such a gathering (/community) of people interested in nothing but brood war and their community's survival leads to quality in general and punishment to people who did anything to lower the quality. Now, however, this site has changed into a place where random people high on blizzard adrenaline who happened to buy this new starcraft thing and is now dropping by from time to time to take a shit in this already polluted sea. Basically, not a die hard community any more, barely a community. I don't hate TL for changing focus to sc2 - it's their choice afterall (and thanks for keeping some brood war a the bottom of the site btw), but this is hardly something one shouldn't have seen coming.
On September 12 2010 17:20 Grobyc wrote:Show nested quote +On September 12 2010 15:52 Roffles wrote: You can always just contribute by posting better and setting a good example for newcomers.
Every little thing counts. By being a good poster, you're already contributing to the well being of the site. You will move along just fine doing this. You don't need to join the graphics team, write articles, start a stream, etc. "Contributing" is a very loose word, just don't do anything stupid.
Practically this. I joined about last year this time, and posting quality was great, the mods were overall strict and if you ain't being a dick you would most probably be a part of the happy community. However when sc2 beta/ sc2 came out there was a huge influx of posters and everyone just assumed that they did not need to follow rules and post whatever comes to their mind.
On September 12 2010 16:13 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: submit to my will or be killed
what he said.
Some time ago, there was a poll about whether TeamLiquid was moderated too harshly, too leniently, or just right. I voted just right. Since SC2 was released, it's flown 30 miles past "too lenient".
The SC2 subsection is a spawning pool of stupid. There's little meaningful discussion happening any more, and few good suggestions and contributions. Instead, everyone is busy complaining about everything. Hell, the live report threads degenerate into nothing but imba complaints! These brain surgeons can't even watch good StarCraft without dragging it down and piddling all over it.
Honestly, until TL does a massive harsh crackdown and things return to normalcy, I'm just going to avoid the entire SC2 subsection altogether. I'll stick to blogs instead, because more actual thought goes into everything written here than anywhere else on the site, and I'll contribute as best I can. Hopefully, that's enough.
On September 12 2010 20:10 Subversive wrote:Show nested quote +On September 12 2010 19:39 7mk wrote: Since Gamescom/IEM, having met many awesome people I've really felt the need to contribute more to this great community. But I actually feel like doing this through posting is harder than ever. Often times when there's some idiot saying stupid things (which are in the big majority of the time NOT ban/report worthy) I feel like posting but then I hesitate and think "hm what's best for this site" and I often end up thinking it's best if I just dont post anything at all and dont make a flamewar go even deeper than it is. Plus I already have over 5000 posts and I dont think I've done that much good in those ^^
But yeah I've already thought about working a bit on liquipedia, especially the strategy section. It's still so so empty. It's intimidating to do much because I'm simply not that good of a player but if I stick close to high lvl replays and am careful what I write I hope I can still contribute.
But if anyone needs any help with any sort of TL-related project plz plz pm me.
I understand what you mean, sometimes I feel like adding my voice to a discussion in agreement/disagreement but don't because it feels like it "doesn't really need to be said" and would be further cluttering up the site. I posted hardly anything for a few weeks there for this reason. Just for your own sake though, I've always thought your posts are the epitome of quality, usually something thoughtful and interesting - which when I joined, made your name one of the ones I recognised regularly  . Not to mention the awesome cover you did of 'Abuseful Day' during TSL2.
wah thx man, that's awesome to hear  Was also glad when I checked your name again to confirm that you said that, and not the subversed guy or what his name is, since your posting is a lot better :p
Thank you so much for "contributing" to these forums with a fantastic thread that is not condescending or self serving at all.
User was temp banned for this post.
I just want to ask is there a reason why normal members can´t report a thread? just wanted to ask because i often see a thread get opened and as i´m reading it i´m like yeah this is not gonna stay open and then it gets like 2 Pages until a mod finds it. just a question
I dont think you can command this sort of thing in people. I mean, my government spends a decent amount of money on signs and stuff for people not to litter, but yes, they still litter. It's a cultural thing.
You can't force a culture change, you have to just embody it and it will be a slow and deep affect.
Hyrule18983 Posts
You can contribute by knowing what you're talking about before you post. You can contribute by pushing Preview before Post, and actually reading what you wrote. You can contribute by not flaming people. You can contribute by posting some fun blogs (like MightyAtom!) You can contribute by not being a total dick. You can contribute by editing Liquipedia. You can contribute by helping out in Tech Support. You can contribute by streaming. You can contribute by running a tournament. You can contribute by donating to a tournament. You can contribute by playing in a tournament. You can contribute so damn easily that it boggles my mind how many people fail at it.
I hope TL can get back into its groove. I miss it.
Belgium8305 Posts
On September 12 2010 23:56 Clamev wrote: I just want to ask is there a reason why normal members can´t report a thread? just wanted to ask because i often see a thread get opened and as i´m reading it i´m like yeah this is not gonna stay open and then it gets like 2 Pages until a mod finds it. just a question
we felt like we needed to restrict the reporting system to people who have been around a certain amount of time and gained a certain number of posts - people who have at least a basic feel for how we moderate around here
of course it's not like you can't make good reports without having been around here for at least a year, but we have to draw the line somewhere or we'd get flooded by too many (useless) reports
People think their opinions, or lack thereof, are relevant. People would rather type a boring, mundane, or clueless post than actually take the time to read a thread and contribute to it in a meaningful manner. This leads to any thread with promise being filled after the first couple of pages with virtually hundreds of posts that are verbatim to the earlier ones.
I don't expect every post to be a masterpiece or some ridiculously thorough examination of the topic at hand, but posting standards should be higher for everybody.
Step 1: Read thread/post.
Step 2a: Add something insightful or relevant to the discussion. 2b: Don't have anything insightful or relevant? Try being funny. 2c: Don't have anything funny to say? Don't post.
Step 3: Repeat for all following posts.
On September 13 2010 04:04 I_Love_Bacon wrote: People think their opinions, or lack thereof, are relevant. People would rather type a boring, mundane, or clueless post than actually take the time to read a thread and contribute to it in a meaningful manner. This leads to any thread with promise being filled after the first couple of pages with virtually hundreds of posts that are verbatim to the earlier ones.
I don't expect every post to be a masterpiece or some ridiculously thorough examination of the topic at hand, but posting standards should be higher for everybody.
Step 1: Read thread/post.
Step 2a: Add something insightful or relevant to the discussion. 2b: Don't have anything insightful or relevant? Try being funny. 2c: Don't have anything funny to say? Don't post.
Step 3: Repeat for all following posts.
This should be pinned or something it's so succinct and a beautiful vision for forums everywhere.