EDIT: should probably warn, PG13 language and a raging nerd incoming.
So I finally have time to relax and play some Starcraft 2 because my APUSH midterm is finally done and my English essays are finished.
Note, I'm a ~950 Diamond Protoss so by no means am I pro, but I am at least proficient. It just seems like cheese has been overwhelming me lately... damn maps >.>
I go onto battle.net and start playing. First game, lose after a close match against a Terran who abuses the fuck out of the matchup - i.e. he goes for 10 rax reaper into fast hellion drop into banshee into mass marine/marauder/tank, all of which require different counters. Oh well, he at least played well.
Next three games: Terran, Protoss,Protoss.
Terran goes for a 6 rax marauder build in Blistering Sands (seriously I wish I could thumbs down four maps, every single motherfucking game is on either this, Kulas Ravine and Steppes of War, all of which are either cheesefests or terrible for Protoss) and I am completely confounded. Zealots die to marauder slow. Stalkers get eaten alive. Sentries are too weak. What the hell do I do? Note: I tried stalker/zealot but the marauders simply kited around my zealots while targeting my stalkers and then finishing them off after ranged units are gone.
Next game, vs P. Its on Steppes of War, never a good map for people who detest cheese. I go for a safe 10 gate and scout his base and find: nothing! I then frantically scout my base, find two proxy gateways and have nothing to counter it. Yes, I probably should have scouted this, but this matchup is already so amazingly stupid that I was worried about the other twenty cute fucking cheeses they can do.
Last game, vs Protoss on Lost Temple. Finally a macro map! I say. I even scout the opponents 4 gate and prepare accordingly - I notice he isn't attacking yet though. I make an observer and find him warping in zealots (using a phoenix hallucination for vision) straight into my base. My army of stalker/sentry/immortal with a few zealots is crushed.
Seriously, this cheese is getting ridiculous. Last night was terrible too. Is this just a scourge sweeping the Diamond ranks? For so long, there was no cheese and thus I fell out of practice. Now though, I'll just have to start 10 gating every game until these cheesy bastards (most of them have 5 minute long average games) finally just quit.
This is what laddering is. Shorter games = more points. Either cheese, or highly aggressive builds. If you want to practice your lategame management or just have a lil fun it is best to find a group of good practice partners.
if you dont like the game dont play, or just wait for patch to nerf everything.
also last game doesn't sound like cheese to me
On September 11 2010 14:52 Terrakin wrote: if you dont like the game dont play, or just wait for patch to nerf everything.
also last game doesn't sound like cheese to me The thing is, the game is great fun whenever its not cheese. My problem is that I alternate between dominating cheese and failing miserably to it; it starts with me failing, learning how to counter each one (because in reality, its just learning the exact counters to each cheese that wins you those games), owning cheese because I easily scout it. This leads to me getting into the ~1100 ranks, where most people don't cheese because they know how to stop it. I'm not an ~1100 player, so I quickly rank down and begin the terrible process once more...
you my friend have run into the same situation i did 3 weeks ago. because of which i have boycotted 1v1 ladder on this server (SEA) until i get NA access. its more annoying that i haven't many practice partners who dont cheese also. and 2v2/3v3 is just gang cheesing. and well im not a custom game type of person.
though the only advice i can give you is ride it out. eventually the cheesers will die out...hopefully. if not well god help us all ha ha.
None of these games are cheese except for the proxy gateway. And you should be scouting early on 2player maps every time.
oh no, a learning process. woe betide thee
On September 11 2010 15:31 FyRe_DragOn wrote: oh no, a learning process. woe betide thee I'm learning how to counter each cheese, little by little. 6 pool and 2gate by forge/gateway walloff and pulled probes, 6 rax reaper from chrono boosted zealot (to buy time) into stalker, classic 4 gate by 3 gate robo with force field into colossus, etc etc.
I just hope the number of cheeses runs out before my sanity does instead...
how exactly is warping units into your base = cheese?
On September 11 2010 15:41 awu25 wrote: how exactly is warping units into your base = cheese? It was basically a 4 korean warpgate push. He had super low probe saturation and was constantly warping units into my base.
Yes, I get it, I should have scouted it; but in PvP, it becomes impossible to scout every possible crazy thing the enemy is doing AND track whether they are expanding or not AND watch their army AND check their tech.
I HATE blistering sands. TvT - i got bunker rushed like 3 times. Those destructible rocks into the main are just retarded as well. I'm sorry you have to put up w/ that cheese :/ Hate it.
On September 11 2010 15:47 YoureFired wrote:Show nested quote +On September 11 2010 15:41 awu25 wrote: how exactly is warping units into your base = cheese? It was basically a 4 korean warpgate push. He had super low probe saturation and was constantly warping units into my base. Yes, I get it, I should have scouted it; but in PvP, it becomes impossible to scout every possible crazy thing the enemy is doing AND track whether they are expanding or not AND watch their army AND check their tech. Not really a korean warpgate rush, he researched warpgates and hallucinate, you just played badly. It wasn't really cheese either.
The "safe" 10 gate is just bad, go 12 gate. You take an econ hit just cause you're scared, and still lose lol. I bet you 10 gated in that warpgate loss too...
I play standard every 1v1 on SEA (the guy boycotting it and waiting for NA is hilarious) and rarely get cheesed. Even when I do I find it's alot easier to defend than it was in brood war with the improvements in worker/unit pathing. Plus alot of cheesers are horrible at transitions as they are just going for the knockout even if they do good damage.
i'm guilty of BBS and 9rax proxy myself, but currently cheese is such an easy way out to get quick points on many of the maps that you can't blame me. 9 rax is sooo effective on steppes if not reacted to properly and almost always results in terran coming out ahead even if you play against it correctly.
Try getting proxy 2 gate and 4 gate every ZvP for the last 2 days pretty much.
Diamond league and you claim to be proficient but yet get proxxy gateway. Pull a probe off mineral and check for proxxy before you check his base. Post replay so we can point out simple ways to help you improve.
On September 11 2010 18:17 Forgottenfrog wrote: Diamond league and you claim to be proficient but yet get proxxy gateway. Pull a probe off mineral and check for proxxy before you check his base. Post replay so we can point out simple ways to help you improve. I'm sorry that I didn't expect constant cheese at Diamond level? If it makes you feel any better, I scouted a 2 gate proxy 10 minutes ago and was able to beat it by getting a zealot advantage and then sending one to kill his probes.
Day9's daily on the 4 gate variations and on Adel Scott might come in handy in the PvP.
On September 12 2010 08:58 Fryght wrote: Day9's daily on the 4 gate variations and on Adel Scott might come in handy in the PvP. Just watched this. Thanks so much, I had always heard of the korean 4 gate but had never seen it in action. Now I know how to stop it :D
I think you need to calm down dude, youre turning into a real munster