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I'm a diamond terran. Currently 948 points, I was 994 one time last night before a particularly rough loss-streak. My protoss has beaten 700-point diamonds, my zerg 500-point diamonds. Most of these replays are terran however.
This pack is *ALL* of my replays, win, loss, offrace, tournaments, ladder, customs, every single replay I've ever saved since release. Replays at later dates tend to be better and more representative of my playstyle, which has evolved quite a bit over time. Replays are generally named by the mu, map, and sometimes by opponent. Replays named with random letters, such as "asdf" are ragequit losses during loss-streaks
Add me for practice games and I will 5/5 this blog. Saracen 276
United States24521 Posts
Since you are a 948 terran let me ask you: what do you do when a zerg fast expands, gets a lot of speedlings with banelings, then mutas?
Win, you?
I get a lot of hellions. If I scout his spire I'll add thors if I haven't made them already. I usually play with a relatively low tank count, making maurauder/hellion mostly, with marines later.
United States24521 Posts
Either lose all map control or get my army destroyed trying to be aggressive, usually. Only vs good players obviously.
Midgame muta switches do tend to cause me trouble. The banelings not so much, because of my hellion count. If he puts too much gas into baneling before going muta, I might win by just attacking him, with my hellions vaporizing his banelings into vapor.
After midgame, I tend to leave thors at home both in case of muta and so they don't get mc'd, unless I'm going pure mech (where I need them vs roach/ultra).
United States24521 Posts
I think my problem stems from the fact that I never use hellions lol...
I should watch some of your reps I guess... been kinda lazy/busy and haven't 'studied' at all.
How many replays in the pack? Do you use an auto naming replay program or after every game state the map, mu, etc?
I name games manually.