I just get frustrated when reading things on these forums, and I know I shouldn't comment at all but something inside of me says I need to speak my mind, rather than just let it go. Lately though, i've been doing a much better job with it, and just ignoring people who make outrageous posts.
Although if anyone does remember most of the posts I have started flame-wars in, It was against Terrans who thought their race was so weak (this was around early may/June of beta, before the Concussive Shells upgrade).. I just couldnt understand how anyone at that time would argue that Terran was underpowered, with all the diversity and options they have, and zerg (the race I played at the time) being strong, despite some strong performances by DIMAGA and IdrA. I looked at the game from an unbiased balance standpoint, rather than tournament statistics, I remember specifically arguing with people who said "Terrans won no tournaments outside of Korea" which was such a bad argument because of the terran players who we had at the time, none on the level of WhiteRa or IdrA (TLO was random at this time)..
Now, 3 months later, This debate is quite huge. I dont think Terran is significantly as strong as people say, but my initial argument still stands in my opinion, Tank smart-firing is a major concern and Marauders are still beefy MO's. But if I said anything remotely close to what IdrA or Artosis has been saying about Terran lately, back then, I was dragged thru the gutter for it.
Anyways, My point of this thread is not to justify my bad-manneredness through the actual topics it was on, because I take full responsibility for responding in such inappropriate ways and retaliating against people in an unprofessional manner. That is on me, and I am working hard not to do that anymore (altho there is still a ways to go)..
I have learned my lesson, and to be honest, I dont even read balance threads anymore, they never lead to anything good. Sure, we have to get Blizzard thinking and knowing what needs to be done to fix the game, but having such a wide array of public opinion is not a good way to do that. As someone said recently, People feel the need to defend their race, rather than look at balance from an unbiased view, which leads to people feeling insulted when someone else makes suggestions that negatively affect their race of choice. At this point, I think looking at top-notch Progamers (ie winning tournaments) is the key to deciding what needs to be done, and if we see any long-lasting trends, then to open our eyes, but until then we should remain calm and look for ways to make our races compete against any race we deem "overpowered". Lets leave it in Blizzard's capable hands for now.
I plan on trying to give back to the community soon, with some small strategies/tricks to write up that have helped me get high on the ladder (Or like my Brutal Achievement trick I posted), and potentially do some shoutcasting in the future, or at least something.. so hopefully if I do anything for the community soon, I will be welcomed and not bashed for it, I really just want to help struggling players because I know how hard it can be.