So I've played 28 games as zerg on the 1v1 ladder so far. An interesting trend has be happening....
My games have consisted of 3 Terran,1 Zerg, and 24 Protoss. WTF is this shit???? Now usually PvZ isn't that bad if it wasn't for all the fucking cheese these guys do. HOLY SHIT! Endless fighting vs 2gate, 4 warp gate, fast void rays, mass phoenix, pyloning my ramp like fucking idra vs tester. It's fucking bullshit. It's so fucking exhasting playing against that shit every fucking game.
I am seriously hoping its just because its the beginning of the game and not going to be how ladder is in 2 months from now. I don't even think Zerg exists anymore.
Fuck Protoss.
I think all the zergs that aren't playing you are playing me.
Its ok man. I like it when I play against the same race a lot, because then you can focus on one matchup and polish your builds ;-) Look at it this way, you might improve your PvZ a lot by the end of this "trial" because that's all you've been doing
dude consider yourself lucky...ZvT is worse when it comes to endless cheese....just ask idra or artosis
lol my matchups are pretty even, but you should be happy cuz zvp is a lot easier than zvt And many would argue zvp is easier than pvz too O-o
ive been getting nonstop t's and thats the worst. They can do whatever they want and unless you are twice as good as them you arent winning.
Haha, you guys are right. I bet if it was playing more terrans i would be writing an imba blog. i just wish there was more variety for me. plus i think the new 4 player map is GOD AWFUL
28 games and not even 1 random player?! Talk about stacking those races
I play so many damn Protoss it's ridiculous. And half the time they do stupid crap like cannon rushes.
2 gate isn't cheese. And everyone have to deal with this, many Zergs do baneling all ins and terrans do proxy 2 port banshee and so on.
United States4796 Posts
Where are all the terrans then?
Wait, if this is is a lower level league then... there probably aren't that many?
That was a completely unfounded statement.
would prefer ZvT mech? lol
On August 02 2010 03:21 Dance. wrote: Fuck Protoss.
SC2 is sounding more and more like BW every day
On August 02 2010 04:04 Gliche wrote:SC2 is sounding more and more like BW every day Now ain't that a good thing?
I have the exact opposite. I have 50 games played and majority are ZvZ. My brain is bleeding from all the retarded banelings.
I guess I'm lucky to be playing against all matchups although I've played mostly against P and T.
Protoss are very easy to pick up, so I think a lot of the new people use them. What league are you in? I luckily don't have this problem because I play random, so I just pray I don't get ZvZ because that matchup very predictable and not very fun.
Also, like someone said above me, I feel like 2 gating and 4 gating aren't really cheese, but just a very standard and difficult style to play against.
Hopefully it will even out as people get better mechanics, are exposed to the game more and pick other races. I fear zergs will always be few and far between because it is a difficult race to play and a lot of it hinges on playing reactionary styles. Protoss can 4 gate, regardless of the their opponent's plan, but zergs might need to change their plan if they scout the 4gate.
At least you are doing well scouting the "cheese" though! As long as you see it coming, it is just a matter of punishing them for their risky play
hmm i play like 10-15% PvP, most games are vs Terran closely followed by Zergs. Dunno if it depends on the league or just luck, doesn't rly matter anyway right? ^^
Funny I would love to play mostly protoss since it is my best matchup. Lots of protoss in my division but full ladder looks pretty spread out. Be glad you aren't playing terran 24 out of 28 games. You'll want to kill yourself
edit: Oh ya please don't throw around the word cheese. 2 gate isn't cheese. 4 gate is an all-in which isn't necessarily cheese. Void ray isn't cheese. Mass phoenix isn't cheese. Pylon ramp is cheese