Well I am just going to get right into it. Tomorrow morning i am getting all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. I am 18 years old, heading off to college soon so i have been going to all these dr. appointments and getting shots and stuff. Then this last monday while at the dentist, My mom asked the Dentist if i would need to get my Wisdom teeth removed. He did his fancy x-ray stuff on me and it was decided that i definitley need to get them removed, and the sooner the better.
So here i am 4 days later and I am pretty nervous about tomorrow. I will be going under both Local and General Anesthesia so i am pretty sure that i will not be in any pain. I already have all of my pain/ antibiotic medications ready, and my mom will be there to pick me up/take me home after. So even though i am completely ready to get it done, i am just very aprehensive about it. I have never been "Put to sleep" before so that part worries me a little but i am sure that i will be ok. I don't really know. Let me know what you all think. Do you think i am just being a wuss, or if you have been through this also. Any advice would be sweet! thanks
Oh and i wanted to mention that i have been saving up all of my Youtube Commentaries so i will have something to do for the next few days. Starcraft Replays here i come, haha
EDIT: Well thanks a bunch for all of the support, and i thought i would let you all know how it went.
After reading all the posts i wasn't that nervous anymore so i was able to sleep pretty well last night. I woke up early (No food 6 hours before) so i didn't get a breakfast which kinda sucked. So we went to the Dr office place and it was only about a 10 minute wait. I sat in the fancy Dentist/operating chair as i awaited the Party to start. The Nurse (or dentist Tech or what ever, i will just call here the nurse) got me hooked up on an IV and got my blood pressure/ Heart rate all wokred out.
Then the doctor dude came in, asked me a few questions and released the IV full of the Anesthesia. And WOW. i could kinda feel it go in my arm and then all of the sudden i felt completely calm and relaxed. My last thoughts were "Ahhh, thats the stuff" like the stim pack marines say. I swear I was thinking that. Then about 45 minutes later i was starting to come out of it but it really felt like i had just taken a nap.
While i was still semi-conscious, my mom was with me and she says i was talking a bunch and making fun of some of the male nurses. She said that I said " Hey, you guys think your tough, well i just lost my tongue so,,,,, hahahaha" and then i would pretend to poke my eye out so they would get all nervous. I also pretended to throw up a couple of times. Then i told one of the Pregnant nurses that i lost weight from the surgery and that she should do it to so she can lose some weight. I swear i am telling the truth. I do not remember any of this but my mom said that i did all of this.
I am now home on the couch and the numbness is starting to wear off. I am able to start drinking a little water and my jaw is a little Painful. I have taken some painkillers but i am waiting until i am able to eat before i take anymore so i don't get sick. There was definitely alot of blood but It didn't really hurt at all. I just hope i dont end up getting a dry socket or an infection.
Well thanks again for all the helpful posts and "GL's"!
fuck me, 4 at once?
From what I've heard from friends, getting this done HURTS afterwards. I think the usual advice for mouth injuries follows here, avoid really cold/hot foods as they might jar the nerves or whatever the more technical term is.
You most definitely aren't being a wuss. Getting put under is harmless unless the guy is a complete incompetent + the pain will be substantial for a few days even with the meds (again, just from what I've heard).
Don't worry about the "Put to sleep" part, you won't feel or remember a thing (maybe a vague sensation), and you'll wake up just fine as well (I woke up right after the operation). Don't forget to take your antibiotics, because as you might figure, its quite important 
But, the one thing that you will have to worry about is the aftermath. The removal itself is relatively painless and quick... but... *shudders*
I have a friend who took out all his wisdom teeth a few days ago (he's 15 though, so go figure) and he felt very little to no pain / swelling after the removal. However, being a bit older when I got all mine taken out I had a fuckload of swelling and just dull pain in my cheeks, not to mention the lack of solid food made me very disappoint 
It's good that you are getting it over with right now, as your doc is right; removal gets more complicated as your wisdom teeth develop more, because when they are fully developed, it becomes more difficult to remove without potentially affecting your sinuses etc. Besides, you won't have to go through this bullshit when you're in college (I did mine during this year's spring break... worst spring break evar, then I had to go back to school).
Oh, but I didn't take any pain medications at all. So it is definitely bearable, just annoying.
I got one taken out and it was painless. There was just a fuckload of blood (I'm also 18). But 4 at once? Holy Jesus mother of Christ GL HF
I'll just copy paste what I said in the surgery thread from yesterday,
I've had ~25 general anesthetics and even more surgeries, just chill out as much as possible when you go into the operation theater..I basically hypnotise myself by completely relaxing my body through counting my breaths and getting a nice slow inhale/exhale rhythm...when you start to feel the anesthetic taking over your head and vision (have eyes closed ofc), just relax even more and let it envelop you.
The more relaxed and comfortable you are going into the general, the happier you will be waking from it.
Hope it all goes well for you!
its pretty much go to sleep in a chair, and wake up feeling groggy with the procedure being done. they even let you keep your teeth :D
the downside is, after the anesthesia wears off, usually around bed time that day, you'll be in throbbing pain. just a warning.
the upside is you get to eat icecream, congee, mashed potatoes. you should becareful not to drink through a straw.!
You'll have to eat soups and juice for 2 weeks. Except than you will be fine. And your dentist is right, the sooner the better. I did it at 22 when they were fully grown and suffered a lot. (they also grew horizontally T_T )
The "put to sleep" part is quite odd the first time becuase the gas smells funny. xD
I've had it done with everything that you mentioned, its easy quick and painless. I was lucky enough to not have any problems with the re-opening of the gums after but a lot of people I talk to say they've had problems with that more than anything. They told me I was going to be "put to sleep" also with the anesthesia but it was more like just being really relaxed and tired, not literally put to sleep but maybe it will be different for you. I didn't experience any pain during or after the surgery at all, the only thing is you can kind of feel them pulling it out but not in a painful way at all, It's just a very weird sensation. You just have to remember to take it lightly if possible, especially with food. Hope that helps.
I'm pretty sure they will give you Nitrous Oxide which is awesome. I've had a ton of teeth pulled in the past and it was never as bad as I imagined. When they put the mask on you, you'll get euphoric for about 30 seconds to a few minutes, and the next thing you know, you're being woken up with a ton of gauze in your mouth.
I say "woken up" in the least sense of the words. It's hard to describe, but I never felt completely asleep, but rather like I was barely holding onto consciousness. Time goes very fast too. The operation takes over an hour but it feels like only a few minutes!
You'll be alright. Eating jello, ice cream, liquids for a couple days while vegging out on pain killers is definitely not a terrible experience.
Yea, so I just got my four wisdom teeth removed yesterday! It went pretty well for me, very little pain/swelling, just hard to eat. The general anesthetic was pretty cool, went to sleep, and woke up in the recovery room all finished. Hopefully yours will go just as smoothly.
Make sure you get those pain meds and a lot of good drinks/soft foods
Oh, and the drive home was hell for me. Every bump was like a knife stabbing me in my gums
On July 22 2010 15:17 youngminii wrote: I got one taken out and it was painless. There was just a fuckload of blood (I'm also 18). But 4 at once? Holy Jesus mother of Christ GL HF Haha thanks a lot.
Ya well i am glad to know that i am not just being a totaly baby. I have been reading all about it and i feel a lot better about it now. I think the worst part is going to be that i can't eat what i want. Thanks for the support and i will let you know how it went tomorrow!
Here's my wisdom teeth story:
I walked in, he put the IV in my arm and asked "So what school do you go to?" Then I woke up in my bed with a mouth full of blood and a shitload of pain. IDK how they do that shit.
Yo I got all 4 cut out at once. Didn't get any laughing gas. Only local anesthetics (this means shots).
It's seriously not too bad. It's a one time thing that hurts for maybe 4 days... week tops. Getting all 4 done at once saves you the trouble of going back again. My suggestion is to REST. Right when you get out, you want the bleeding to stop. They'll give you gauze and stuff for that. Keep away from anything strenuous. This includes things like picking up stuff that's really heavy. I picked up a huge box when I had them removed and the bleeding started again. Don't eat anything that could poke into your gums and start the bleeding again.
Secondly, keep it clean. You don't want to deal with infections. Don't eat anything that could poke into your gums and start the bleeding again. Ask the dentist about how to clean your mouth (ex. can you use mouthwash, etc.).
Don't be nervous! If you're getting shots... that should be the only painful part of the procedure. And after you get them out, it will hurt. Can't help that. But if you take care of yourself and your mouth, everything should be okey-dokey real soon.
Best of luck!
I got mine taken all 4 at once too.
Getting put to sleep is awesome as you're basically getting high. You feel the drug flooding you, think "this shit is awesome" then wake up hours later. The week after will suck but after that you'll be ok.
I think I even said "yeahhh this is the shittt" shortly before passing out before another operation I had. Bet the doctors thought I was a mad junkie haha
I think the severity of the pain probably depends a lot on the condition of your wisdom teeth (whether they're impacted, still under the surface, or already emerged etc).
I had all 4 pulled at once. Three were fully emerged and one wasn't. The first three were as simple as reaching in and pulling them out. The last required a little bit of drilling.
My entire procedure was completely painless and took less than ten minutes (excluding ~20 waiting for drugs to kick in). Afterward I experienced almost no pain except for the spot where they had to drill, and that pain was only comparable to your average headache.
The worst part of the process was trying not to bite my tongue while waiting for the anesthesia to wear off. Your experience could differ I guess if your wisdom teeth are badly impacted or something, but your fears are probably exaggerated.
Afterward you'll probably get instructions from your doctor/dentist or whatever he's called, like not to drink through straws etc. Make sure you follow them, infections or dry sockets are what you should be most worried about.
On July 22 2010 15:15 Elegy wrote: fuck me, 4 at once?
From what I've heard from friends, getting this done HURTS afterwards. I think the usual advice for mouth injuries follows here, avoid really cold/hot foods as they might jar the nerves or whatever the more technical term is.
You most definitely aren't being a wuss. Getting put under is harmless unless the guy is a complete incompetent + the pain will be substantial for a few days even with the meds (again, just from what I've heard). Pain relievers are a god-send afterwards.
IMO him getting all four taken out at once is MUCH better than getting them taken out on two separate occasions. So much more convenient..
hahaha i'm going to get all of my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow morning too, no joke.
but yeah, don't worry about the anesthesia, i've had surgery before and it's basically just like going to sleep and waking up later.