A week ago, I left for France.

Day 1:
We had just arrived in France from about a 20 hour flight in which we need to sleep on the 8 hour plane ride. It was 8:00 am. Do I need to say more?
Well, we had a day of exploration anyway.

First, we took a bus tour throughout the city to our hotel. However, because of the crappy traffic, it took nearly forever to get to our hotel. Sigh...

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First market in france? Nice, nice

Then, we got a quick 30 minute break to unload and rest a bit. Drink some refreshing water, ya know? Afterwards, we were allowed to explore the places near our hotel. I got a baguette from a local boulangerie (bread store), and although it wasn't the best, it was delicious after airplane food. Next, it was off to either the L'arc de triumph or the Opera theater. I went to the L'arc de triumph being a fan of Napoleon.

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There it is, Napoleon's monument to his soldiers.
And we capped the day off with dinner together as a group at a restaurant, but I didn't take any photos of that.

Day 2:
To start off the day, I had a pretty nice breakfast consisting of baguettes, salami, ham, nutella, and fruits. yum.

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Tea with nutella+bread anyone? ^_^
Then we took another bus tour in Paris with some photo stops at some great places.
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Napoleon's tomb
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Eiffle tower
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Notre dame (from the inside cuz the outside was too large to snap a photo of)
Yup, we went inside Notre dame, and well, it was incredible. The sheer size of it was overwhelming. The stain glass windows (the originals) were also beautiful. It really is breathtaking, but it's just too big for photos, lol. After Notre Dame, it was off to the Louvre. I really wanted to see the art there so I snapped some photos of the famous ones.

![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/wtnTp.jpg)
Lady liberty leading the July Revolution
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Napoleon being a beast and ignoring the Pope

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Neo-classicism being awesome.

After the Louvre, we went to the Musee D'orsay but no pictures were allowed.

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Just sick
Day 3:
Woke up early, ate breakfast, and then it was on to Montmartre or Sacre Coeur.

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The gigantic church on top the hill
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The little asian on top the hill
From here, we went back to meet at the hotel for the next event of the day, a visit to Versailles. Man, just seeing the gold that existed at Versailles was like, WOW! It was eyepopping to say the least. Then, when we went to see the hall of mirrors? Oh my goodness. If I were a foreign diplomat during the times of Louis XIV, I would've shat my pants. No lie. And then the gardens after? Louis XIV is the MAN. Jeez, to maintain that must cost millions every year.
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pwetty restoration gold
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Yup, that's probably like 10% of the garden? Considering it goes on for MILES?
After Versailles, we went off to the Eiffel tower.

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![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/epQ8F.jpg)
Seriously, just look
Day 4:
Well, after the wake up call, our whole group took a TGV (speed train?) to Biarritz. 5 hours man, that was like half the day, lol. In Biarritz, we first explored the Atlantic ocean, but I took no pictures of that. Afterwards, we walked around the ocean waiting for a sunset.

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We got it
Day 5:
We woke up bright and early to go to Basque county. It was very scenic on the way. There, we saw the church in which Louis XIV got married. However, we didn't visit either of the houses the king or queen lived in.

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On the way to Basque County
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Church Louis XIV was married in
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Salmon from the sea

Day 6:
Onwards to Carcasonne the medieval city. Although it was a daunting castle, I really expected the city to be different. However, the way they integrated the city into the castle was awesome. The cassoulet was also very delicious there. Man, I'd totally have some again. We didn't actually go into the castle though because of the time.

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Cassoulet. ^_^ Yum! Duck is the best.
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Church. It's like it's a castle from Age of Empires though. :O
After Carcasonne, we drove to Nimes.

![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/GHumf.jpg)
Cool fountain showing Roman Supremacy
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Roman Temple. ^_^
Day 7:
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Crepes in the morning! Yeaaaaaaaaa.

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20th largest Roman amphitheater.
After Nimes, it was off to Nice. Man, that was a long drive. We seriously arrived at night in Nice. To be honest, I don't really have much pictures for that night despite it being one of the best. Nice is really nice

Day 8:
We went to Monaco on this day, and wowowowowow are the sights amazing. Well, we went to Eze first to see the cactus garden+go to the Fragonards perfume store, and man, what a sight. Just look for yourself!
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/FUD4T.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/E99Tk.jpg)
It was on to Monaco from there. Monaco was small but great. It was definitely filled with money as there were sports cars and yachts all over the place. They also had some really great pizza there.

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yachts aplenty
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Is it better looking up or looking down? I can't decide
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yummm, pizza
Day 9:
Sorry Day, didn't use your name because this day wasn't epic enough for it.

And there it is, my trip in France. Hope you enjoy the pictures. For even more (and there are some nice ones) just go view the album.
