-> first one is a fighting / kung-fu based movie with some funny moments. time period is definitely not modern, but also not tooo ancient, i think. the only scene that i remember slightly is that there is a kung-fu fight in some chinese temple or tower:
two guys are fighting. one of them is weaker than the other so he uses a neat trick. he gets some big cloth, material or curtian out of somewhere and holds it up with both his hands to hide behind it when standing close to a wall. the opponent cant see him, because that curtain is of the same color like the wall. then he starts hiding, jumping out suddenly, kicking some ass and hiding again. the opponent sees there is no use and gets something like this (burning temple sticks)
and during next attack puts few holes in that curtain so he can spot it from now on. the hiding one didn't notice it and is laughing his ass off behind the curtain and is about to get his ass kicked.. lol
-> second one is also an action movie. but not fighting (at least not kung fu) if i remember right. its some kind of sci-fi movie with some kind of robots / machines that you control from inside, like mechwarriors:
i dont remember any specific scenes from the movie. all i know is that some favorite hong-kong actors played in it, and this guy (John Sham) was one of the protagonists:
chinese guys here or asian-movie fans i'm counting on you