On June 26 2010 15:45 Gatsbi wrote: Are you kidding? You think there is some magical solution that is just waiting there to be posted about how to not be a fucking idiot with what little money you have? STOP LIVING BEYOND YOUR MEANS, there is your solution. You're still not even thinking. You're not reading, you're not thinking, you're still posting the same basic crap you started posting when it's not what I asked at all. It'd be like if someone posted a blog saying, what's 2+2? and I went in and told them that it's spelled e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t. Totally irrelevant.
On June 26 2010 15:46 LosingID8 wrote:even though you're going to ignore everyone's comments regarding your ridiculously stupid decision to get an iphone, i'll say it again to reinforce it. having an iphone, or rather any sort of smartphone like a blackberry or droid in your financial situation is a SUPER dumb move. i seriously can't think of a legitimate reason to spend that percentage of your limited funds on a phone. Show nested quote +On June 26 2010 15:14 Eiserne wrote: As a music performance major I literally do not have any time to work. i call absolute 100% bullshit on this You can call bullshit on whatever you want but when you're in a performing ensemble 4 hours a day, class 6 hours a day, private practice 5 hours a day, lesson 10 hours a week, chamber music 20 hours a week, you can tell me how much time I have to get a job. Seriously, where do people get off assuming they know everything about someone's life? I shouldn't have even bothered asking anything of people on this website. Please close this/delete this asap.
On June 26 2010 15:40 Eiserne wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2010 15:33 Bosu wrote: There really isn't too much to say. Get a job, get rid of the phone, and stop blowing money on fast food and alcohol.
And needing the iphone is such fucking bullshit. People have been scheduling things for years without smartphones. Needing a cellphone I could understand, but not an iphone.
I have friends that go to school full time and work full time and they definitely make more then $700 a month. I'll ignore the bolded, didn't read the OP nonsense. But i will say that I have never in my life purchased alcohol =P I actually rarely drink but when I do it's not on my dime. You're all.. wildly ignoring the point of this blog. I'm looking for your ideas and experiences with implementing solutions. I'm not looking for you to judge me based on what I do choose... I have clearly recognized what is stupid spending and what isn't. Whether you agree with me or not on that matter is irrelevant because you are not me and I am not you ^_^. Point is, I am asking for... solutions. Things I can do to help myself implement the changes I want to implement. Because it's obviously not as easy as saying, oh, just change it. If it was, everyone in the world would be a perfect spender.
I don't understand you. You open a blog asking for help, yet refuse to accept the most obviously, and perhaps the only suggestion: Get a job or control your spending.
Since you claim you can't work, then don't buy stupid shit. Most people think an Iphone is stupid (and I am with them) because there is probably less than .01% of the population that can claim they *need* an Iphone, and I highly doubt you are one of them. People are just using the Iphone as an example; if you deem it as "not stupid spending", then so be it. What else is there to say?
Here is the magic solution to get out of money problems: 1. Make more 2. Spend less 3. Both
You're the one that didn't think before you posted; we're all just pointing out the obvious. Your $800 is tied up in necessities (though I'd hardly consider the iphone that - you could save at least $50 a month right there.) And the rest of the money that comes in is inconsistent at best. We offered the only viable solutions: either pick up another job and find a way to make it work, stop spending money on things you really don't need, or learn some impulse control. What did you expect us to say?
So do you want us to tell you HOW to get a job? Go to your local burger king grab an application and fill it out. and yeah.. must have to study a lot with that music major LOL
On June 26 2010 15:48 Gatsbi wrote: So do you want us to tell you HOW to get a job? Go to your local burger king grab an application and fill it out. and yeah.. must have to study a lot with that music major LOL You're done in this blog. Useless poster.
Art majors have no time. Most art students I knew were always so busy.
On June 26 2010 15:44 Eiserne wrote: Okay, forget this blog, nobody seems to think before they post.
No you just seem extremely irresponsible. You are strapped for cash every month, and the first big help you get from the music gig you spend on a new iphone? There wasnt any cheaper phones you could have gone for? You couldn't have saved that money you spend on fast food/wow/etc?
You know what you need to do, and that is to be a responsible adult. You are not looking for advice, as I am sure you are not stupid. Sounds like you just want a little sympathy to me.
Suck it up, budget your money wisely, and stop acting like you are in high school.
On June 26 2010 15:14 Eiserne wrote: As a music performance major I literally do not have any time to work. I've known people from every major imaginable that could hold down jobs while studying. Unless you are a grad student you can work.
The point of this blog was to ask, how do you stop yourself from the nickel-and-dime useless spending like fast food, video games I barely even play or have time for, stupid nickel-and-dime stuff like online poker and trivial shit like that. If you want to address that question, feel free but if it's anything else I'll just ban you from my blog. I'm not trying to argue with anyone, I am having self-control issues, especially with the food thing, and I wanted advice on controlling that kind of spending.
ok everybody's gotta realize he's not going to get rid of his phone.
look, i know you ignored the last guy who told you to get a job, but why can't you? because you're a student and musician? because you play WoW? it's not going to kill you to sacrifice 20 hours a week at a part time job. it's without a doubt the best solution given your income and expenses
On June 26 2010 15:51 Carthac wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2010 15:44 Eiserne wrote: Okay, forget this blog, nobody seems to think before they post. No you just seem extremely irresponsible. You are strapped for cash every month, and the first big help you get from the music gig you spend on a new iphone? There wasnt any cheaper phones you could have gone for? You couldn't have saved that money you spend on fast food/wow/etc? You know what you need to do, and that is to be a responsible adult. You are not looking for advice, as I am sure you are not stupid. Sounds like you just want a little sympathy to me. Suck it up, budget your money wisely, and stop acting like you are in high school. Are you seriously even reading ANYTHING? "You couldn't have saved that money you spend on fast food/wow/etc?" That's what the fuck I'm talking about here! READ THE FUCKING BLOG BEFORE YOU POST, CHRIST.
You can't afford luxuries if you're living beyond your means. You are not entitled to anything. You don't need an iphone. For god's sake if you only have that much money to live with then live like you only have that much money.
Jeez Eiserne, you posted a blog asking for advice and when people gave you the answer you didn't want to hear, you pointlessly argue in favor of the lifestyle you want to change.
Take the advice in this thread or be quiet.
On June 26 2010 15:51 Lemonwalrus wrote:Show nested quote +On June 26 2010 15:14 Eiserne wrote: As a music performance major I literally do not have any time to work. I've known people from every major imaginable that could hold down jobs while studying. Unless you are a grad student you can work. Actually, once I get into grad school, I finally CAN work because I'll actually have a TF-ship in a chamber music ensemble that'll pay like 7k a semester plus I'll be assigned students from the university and that's a second TF-ship. One more year, baby one more year. And if you see my post above, I explained about my weekly time budget and how there's literally not enough time in the day for me to have a job.
Don't know how demanding a music major is, but I'm pretty sure you can work. Finding a job might be difficult, but if you are truly strapped for money working is never not an option.
On June 26 2010 15:51 Eiserne wrote: The point of this blog was to ask, how do you stop yourself from the nickel-and-dime useless spending like fast food, video games I barely even play or have time for, stupid nickel-and-dime stuff like online poker and trivial shit like that. If you want to address that question, feel free but if it's anything else I'll just ban you from my blog. I'm not trying to argue with anyone, I am having self-control issues, especially with the food thing, and I wanted advice on controlling that kind of spending.
1. Unregister the stupid shit 2. Don't look at them again 3. Know that you won't be able to afford food if you register again
There. Done.
sorry to tell you, you have your priorities completely wrong. everyone in this thread knows the benefits of an iphone, and people have managed, and continue to manage, life without an iphone. hell, i still dont have an iphone and i seem to manage just fine maintaining my schedule and managing my finances. a computer serves those purposes just fine. you sound like a spoiled brat who's view of money is so skewed in the wrong direction it's laughable.
your iphone bill is far from a necessity. people manage with less. if you think about it an iphone is just a mobile computer that you spend nearly $3000 for two years. you could buy a $500 computer that lasts 4 years and manage everything from there. hell you could buy a $200 net book. no one needs unlimited texting/unlimited data/unlimited minutes. that's incredibly silly and naive. it's honestly not at&t's fault, i don't know why you would even mention "fuck at&t." the people they're targeting with the iphone and unlimited plans aren't college kids with no money. (well i guess that's not true because the likelihood of you defaulting seems very high, they probably love seeing you blow your money on a phone you really can't afford) they're targeting business professionals, who have a well paying job, who's job is dependent on information in a rapidly changing, volatile environment where time is of the essence. at the present, your time is no where near worth the time of a business professional.
honestly, just work at mcdonalds. you really need to do some life searching and start from nothing to adjust your severely impaired logic and money managing skills.
everyone in this thread is telling you how to avoid nickel and diming yourself and how to cut out excessive spending and properly manage your finances. whether you choose to listen or not to the solid advice that's coming from your blog is up to you.
you basically ask this question: how do i control my impulses without getting rid of x, y, and z when x, y and z are impulses...people then justify why x, y and z are impulses because you do not understand where they are coming from. then you say people aren't addressing your issues.
On June 26 2010 15:54 Carthac wrote: Jeez Eiserne, you posted a blog asking for advice and when people gave you the answer you didn't want to hear, you pointlessly argue in favor of the lifestyle you want to change.
Take the advice in this thread or be quiet. why don't you offer advice to the question I proposed. Then I'll consider your advice. Until then please stop posting. I'm not going to ban you, in hopes that you might even have a real solution.