So for my friends 19th birthday we went camping for the weekend(left campsite this morning), and since her cousin wasn't able to go she got a friend she knows from school to take his place.
Unfortunately I had to work 2 8.5 hour shifts, Saturday and yesterday, because I didn't get around to booking the days off despite knowing the dates like 4 months in advance. It was still fun though.
So we head back in to town Saturday night, the actual date of her birthday, for dinner together. We're sitting there waiting for our food and we end up talking about games. A lot of my friends play HoN, LoL, some WoW, etc, and I say how much of a StarCraft nerd I am. My friend's friend, Tomek, perks up and asks if I've played beta much, etc. Of course I start ranting about how much I'm in to it and how I'm probably the biggest StarCraft nerd in town. It was then that he asked if I knew about Husky, HDstarcraft, the HDH invitational, TLO(!), etc. Of course I asked him if he knew of Teamliquid and Day[9]. He said TL sounded familiar, because he knows TLO is in the Liquid` clan, but hasn't heard of Day[9]. Anyway, so he I tried to explain the awesomeness and he wants me to get him on facebook so I can send him links and help him get better(he's like a bronze player atm). I'm really glad I have someone who lives in town that enjoy the SC scene =]
So I got him on FB and am wondering what links to give him. Of course I'm going to link him to TL and Day[9], but does anyone have anything specifically they think I should introduce him to? He loves HDstarcraft and Husky, so I know he'll love Day[9] too, what should I link him to in particular? Of course daily #100 came to mind, but it's best to watch that AFTER you are familiar with him. SC2 stuff please. Because of working full time I miss a lot of dailys, so please recommend something!
tbh, i havent been keeping up with sc2 anymore. since he's a new player, watching day9 analysis may not be the best way to brainwash him, try some of day9's tournament casts instead.
Nice man. I try to get my friend to watch Proleague with me sometimes but he's always backs out.
I think Day[9] #100 is a great intro, and makes you feel really excited about being a StarCraft player. My brother listened to the MP3 (thanks for that btw :D) the other day and loved it - my parents found it mildly interesting as well.
Good to hear more SC players in your local community.
Woot for Canadian SC.
Husky did some tutorial vods on his channel, but I think that may be somewhat under his level. Day9 has done a few opening build order and a "plugging holes in silver level play' videos that really helped me.
show him arb vs pokebunny for a good example of high level play/expert commentary. KIDDDING!
Not sure if you have access to Day9's livefeed (I'll link to it once I get back from work), but that is a great way to watch a ton of stuff. He has a lot of show matches and tourney's he has casted before at his bliptv account (day9tv.blip.tv). Any competitive starcraft 2 is sure to get him hooked
On June 22 2010 04:31 Foreplay wrote: show him arb vs pokebunny for a good example of high level play/expert commentary. KIDDDING!
Or Grob can send him a few of the games you and me played. High quality stuff man.
Awesome find! I wish I would get that lucky with people around here, but in Alabama hunting/fishing/camo seems more popular than Starcraft 
For Day[9] Dailies, I think #121 (Plugging Leaks in Silver Level Play) is a good one to start with and extremely valuable for lower level players. Another good one is #115 where he casts a 2v2 that his housemates play. The entire episode is hilarious and all the players in the match are Bronze to Gold level. It is more of a laidback entertaining episode but Day[9] peppers it with some insightful comments here and there.
Day[9] Daily #121 Day[9] Daily #115
When I first started I checked the Day[9] thread and picked out all the casts with my main race in them.
Day[9].tv Daily
The State of the Game podcasts are also good listens (moreso to hear some of the players' opinions rather than strategies) but I think Day[9] is one of the best places to start.
State of the Game
Get him some replay sites - for some reason, I just can't come up with any in particular. :p
Nice, I want some rl sc2 buds too although I think I might have converted one of my friends. When I showed him the first day9 vid he at first thought he was some arrogant twat but even though he's a noob he quickly realised he knows what hes talking about much more so than husky/hdstarcraft which were in his case also the only 2 commentators he had been following so far. He also loved episode 100 (without me recommending it to him) and became a day9 fan pretty fast.
My advice would be to maybe just search out vods which are good general guides for the race he is playing because it always seems more relevant and interesting if it's your race and you can directly implement the things hes talkin about in your own play.
although I gotta say to have a rl sc1 buddy whos into korean pg would be even more awesome
Nice to hear! I had a similare experience last yearn when I moved to a new town and started studying graphic design. Some guys in my class some in the second year where talking about having some LAN after class, since we all have laptops in school anyway. We played some COD4 for some weeks and had a blast. Then me and some bloke in my class started talking about what other games we played and it turnes out he was a die hard Starcraft vanilla fan. We played some games together and we where actually at the same level (im a BW player). Later I had him convinced that BW was the way to go and we played a lot on ICCUP together, both at around C-/C level. Since the beta came up we really went at it, looking forward to start again once it comes back up!
Melbourne5338 Posts
The title made me think that you meant camping was better than a new SC friend
But > was supposed to be an arrow afterall...