so... basically I fail at life right now. I can't figure out how to stop a 2 gate proxy in base as a terran. I scout it as the pylon is going down, and still fail to be able to stop it. the first one is the only game I won, except the one where he accidentally cancelled all his gates..., which was the last game I played against my friend, and the only other games it was close was when I opened with an 8 rax. we played about 18 games...
also, I fail miserably so if anyone can tell me how to post this in the sc2 thread that woudl be cool ok... so normal 10 supply, 11 rax, 12 gas build
me going 9rax reapers and failing
here's where I discover 3 scvs and a marine isn't enough to stop the zealot from coming out
tried killing the pylon
bunker placed, still lose later, because his econ is much better.
Why didn't you just kill the pylon with your scvs. You scouted the proxy yet you let his gateways warp in. Even if he rebuilds the pylon, it gives you more time to mass marines and protoss will have less zealots out.
I've tried that too... he builds another pylon outside of my base, which finishes before his pylon dies. it's highly ineffective as far as I could tell.
Yep bunker in the mineral line.. Remember, your rax should finish faster than his gateways if you are doing a standard build.. and that means you can get a bunker off in time.
I know this because when i play ZvP, I dont fear proxy 2gate in my base because as long as I scout it and get my pool off before 14, I dont even pull drones off to fight his pylon warping in, I just sit there and build 2 sunkens as soon as the pool finishes + 6 lings, and even tho his zeals will get there while my sunks are ~80 percent, I micro the lings til they are finished then he can't attack me, and my lings eventually overwhelm him. Its an easy win.
I'd imagine that with how crazy marines do damage, and scvs repairing bunkers insanely fast, it would be even easier to defend as terran.
i usually 12rax next to my cc, a bunker defends against 2gate easily.
basically 12rax -> 14gas -> 15 orbital. bunker in mineral line if needed. then go mech and FE.
mmk... so I read the other thread, and there were no replays, and the advice wasn't all that helpful, since the only thing that I heard was that i should get reapers, which die really easily if not microed precisely, and really, don't do all that well when they're being outnumbered 2 to 1 by the zealots...
with a 9 rax the bunker is halfway done as his zealot comes out.
@knyttm due to chronoboost, as he's doing this, he actually has 10 probes, while I'm basically stuck at 12 or 13, so even if I manage to stop this without losing any scvs if I pull all of them off he has a better econ than me, plus he can cancel the gates while losing very little, and just ending with a much better econ... @skyze I think you might be confused as to whether or not this is bw or sc2... @jollyroger, if I 12 raxed I would have a marine out after 3 zealots killed all my probes.
Just attack his gateway with 7-8 scvs.. gg you win