King Henry "Tom you want to be Bishop now K?"
Tom "K, I be Bishop for yous"
Henry "Tom now you does what I says mk?"
Tom "No taxing church actually soz"
Henry "that are treason, you die now k"
Tom "Pope plz helps me"
Pope "Henry leave him lone, he are bishop"
Tom "Arg I be stabbed"
Pope "Who stabbed mah bishop?"
Peasants "was us pope"
Pope "Henry this yous fault"
Henry "mk so it is"
Pope "Public Penance now!"
Henry "-_- what kind?"
Pope "You gettin a flogged now k?"
Henry "Church is dumb not letting me win"
Pope "you good now Henry"
Henry "I'm invading Ireland for yous"
Pope "Good Job slave...I mean Henry"
Henry Dies
Pope "Poor Henry"
Richard is now King
Richard dies wif no sons
John is new King
John Takes Nobles land
Nobles "John yous an ass, no more mk?"
John "Lols what you gunna do?"
Nobles "Magna Carta now plz"
John "Fine losers ruining all the fun"
Nobles "No Terrorists k?"
Obama "Guantanamo stays now plz"
Nobles "magna Carta for everyone now"
John "Fine. this are no funs"
Nobles "Yay we are independents"
John "WTF where's my money?"
Nobles "Our moneys yous mean? keke"
John "-_- why is sign that shit?"
Pope "John you are now not married"
John "ok redo go"
King Edaward "We fighting Scots now"
Barons "Why for?"
Edward "Need land for golf"
Barons "wtf is golf?"
Edward "Stupid Nobles, fine I want slaves"
Barons "kk go fight"
Edward "Shit, France is here?"
Scots "yea, we haz alliance now?"
French "Not yet Scots keep pant on k?"
Edward "keke you mean skirts?"
Scots "stupid French"
French " Not my problem no mores"
Edward "muahaha we gunna win"
Scots "We fight back"
Edward "Tortured now you give up"
Scots "=( fine stupid English"