The reason they call it thunder is because there's a monstrous fireworks show, where they just shut down the major bridge between kentucky and indiana and load it up with fireworks. I timed it last year it was about 30 straight minutes of constant fireworks. It is probably 20 or 30 explosions per minute for the entire duration, times two because there's essentially two fireworks shows, one on each side of the bridge.
During the day there is an air show, with tons of fighter jets, bombers, smaller planes, etc. Right now they are shaking my apartment flying over it. I get to see them from my office on friday and all during next week, they will buzz by my office window and I can see them up close and personal, flying in formation.
There's supposed to be a stealth bomber flyover each year, but they never tell you when it will actually fly. I guess they are afraid someone might try to shoot it down. So I've never caught sight of it, myself. But I hear it is a sight to see.
I'm going to try to see the fireworks tonight, but I missed out an opportunity to get a sweet spot on one of the local hotels, so I'll be lucky if I can find a good spot.