I finally jailbreak my ipod touch generation 1 after over 2 years.
So my computer is a WinXP 64 bit, itunes cant work on that OS. Supposedly. Finally found myself the solution through google after a long week. Apple lied on their support page that it doesnt work. Just need to use Orca to edit.
Still can't jailbreak. Although I can add in music/video to ipod touch, I cant update the firmware or else it gets permanently stuck in recovery mode, and cant get out of it even though i did a Restore. So now all my music/video erased from ipod touch (Because my comp is XP 64 bit.) 2 long painful weeks, I gave up and went to my retail store where I bought it. Surprisingly, they were kind enough to get my ipod out of recovery mode and then updated my firmware to 2.2.2 (or w/e it's called)
Couple months later, I thought I would have better luck with 2.2.2 to jailbreak. Guess not. Forgot how i got my ipod out of recovery mode but used QuickPWN or another program, cant remember. At least this time I was smart enough to backup my video/music.
I decided to use my friend's computer. Got the jailbreak files into my ipod touch. I just realised jailbreak needs WiFi. No WiFi anywhere near me unless I pay. Jailbreak plans put on hold, for now.
Fast track to somewhere around september/october 2009, itunes decided to pull a Terminator on me. Refused to let me in, some sort of error with quicktime or something. Un-installed, re-installed. itunes still decided to be an ass.
November 2009, I found Sharepod! I can add in music/video to my ipod again :D Can't jailbreak with this though.
February 2nd, 2010. (pretty much yesterday) On holiday in Taiwan, in my cousin's home. Windows XP 32 bit here. Updated my firmware to 3.1.2 or something. Used redsnow jailbreak methods to jailbreak. Doesn't require WiFi as well :D. Since when did I become so lucky with my ipod touch?
So here I am, with my ipod jailbreak'ed. Except one problem. A big one. I needed to restore my ipod to jailbreak. Except I forgot that I forgot to backup all my videos/music, since this wasn't my computer. All 600+ music, 100+ video files gone. Even if I go back home from my holiday, and my itunes cant work on my XP 64 bit so i cant do that backup thing.
At least I finally jailbreak my ipod and apps/games work. Fuck My Life.
Cost to jailbreak my ipod touch: -Airplane ticket -4 computers -my entire music/video collection -2+ long years.
You know of course that you don't need iTunes for your iPod? Also: - XP64 is garbage (you should never get it in the first place) - Even if you don't know how to use iPod without iTunes you could just ask someone who has normal (ie working) Windows version installed and do your update/backup whatever on their comp?
that's a fuckton of fail =[
Eh, that's unfortunate. I fucking hate itunes too, I'm just reliant on there products.
Whats it mean to "jailbreak" an ipod?
I mean, I did have a problem once, to where I loaded up itunes on my original ipod A, and had all sorts of music on there, my life! Then my home was broken into and ipod-A was stolen. I was able to replace it, but had to start all over w/ a new ipod.. Itunes was registered and recognized only ipod-A and told me that to upload ipod-B to itunes, i'd have to erase all itunes information, music, and start over.. Of course that would have been terrible, cause I didn't/don't back up any of my files.. However!!! I did look up on Utube how to repair the situation, and good ole utube! U can literally find anything there, in video form. Found this little asian kid that gave a tutorial how to fix that situation, which involved me going into my control panel or soemthing and altering the details of a file or something, and then dragging files that contained all my music into another folder or something.. and it let me re-upload music to my new ipod.. Which saved me a lot of grief and possible aggrivation.
Sucks to hear about ur blight =[ My ipod is my life, which holds like 700+ of my Electro/Trance.. I never leave home w/o it!!
At least you have urs back up-n-running though.. so congrats for that  gL
are you some kinda idiot?
You need Wifi for Cydia to install Installous/Appsync 3.1 for cracked apps.
Lol... Then to install apps, you either need to use Installous (downloading apps from itouch via wifi) or getting Appsync and downloading apps via computer and syncing with...Itunes.
I haver never understood why people buy Mac products.
On February 04 2010 00:38 Sosha wrote: Whats it mean to "jailbreak" an ipod?
I also don't know. I think the OP should have started with some definitions or a better description of what the problem was. All I got out of it was "I broke my ipod because I tried to mess with it. A lot of people helped me out but it still took me years and I still failed." Maybe I am misunderstanding but the communication problem definitely isn't on my end.
I think jailbreaking means cracking the iPod firmware so that pirated apps and games will run on it. Normally you have to buy everything through the apple store. It's like modding your ps2 so it will run games from burned cds.
2 years? My friend did it in less than an hour with some program. I think he had an Ipod Touch.
i jail broke mine in 10 minutes my friend had your problem so i broke his for him
United States22883 Posts
On February 04 2010 03:28 Biochemist wrote: I think jailbreaking means cracking the iPod firmware so that pirated apps and games will run on it. Normally you have to buy everything through the apple store. It's like modding your ps2 so it will run games from burned cds. It's more than that. It also opens up a wider array of programs, many of which are legal, and things like Flash support and multitasking. *gasp*
I was thinking of rooting my Droid so I can overclock it, but it's snappy enough as is. ^^
I jailbroke my ipod touch in 15.4 seconds. Blindfolded.
what version of redsnow did you use?
everything i have tried to jailbreak my 2g ipod touch with hasn't worked, v 3.1.2