As I've always been a competitive gamer and humongous nerd, I've owned a big number of expensive and supposedly great mice over the past few years, ranging from the Microsoft IntelliMouse to present-day Ikari Laser. Since I'm totally bored, I'll respond to IntoTheWow's inquiry and jot down some of my experiences.
Without further ado:
Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0.
The IntelliMouse is famous in FPS circles. It's used by a large number of professional CS and CS:S gamers; in fact, more professional gamers use this mouse than any other mouse. This is often because they started out with it, though, and they stick with it because changing the gear they're so accustomed to as to be practically part of their muscle memory is a thoroughly bad idea.
Even so, when Microsoft released a new and updated version of the IntelliMouse a couple years back, I got excited and took one home.
It wasn't the gaming revolution of the hype machine. Oh, it was okay; the design is comfortable and it's responsive, but it's pretty big, and the side buttons are made of plastic bullshit and chips. It also has limited DPI, which was a big problem for me because I play with fairly high sensitivity, but it's not an issue for my SC-gaming friend whom I ended up donating it to. This was probably 18 months back, and unless I miss my guess he's still using it.
Main reason I didn't keep using it is because I couldn't use it with my abnormally high sensitivity. Most people should be fine with it, though.
If you like the IntelliMouse mouse design, but want a newer mouse, may I recommend:
The Razer DeathAdder.
I won't lie: This is one of the best mice I've ever owned. The design is nice. It runs at 1800 DPI. The mouse itself is of good construction. Once again, the side buttons are flimsier than I would have liked, but it's a LOT better than on the IntelliMouse. The side buttons were also poorly placed for my grip, which was disappointing but not a deal breaker. It's also pretty big, and it feels a little empty. To be honest, when I bought it I was expecting a more compact and very lightweight mouse. Instead, it was big, and fairly lightweight.
Once I grew accustomed to it, though, it was good. It was never QUITE perfect, but for the most part I had no problems with the mouse. You know, until it died.
When you buy Razer, you pretty much take a chance. Their products malfunction. Most people still have early DeathAdders that work just fine. Others have theirs die or otherwise malfunction within a year. Mine lasted about nine months before the scroll wheel went to shit, and when the mouse itself finally died another couple months later I was happy, because it meant I could replace that overly expensive piece of computer hardware in good conscience.
Still, I might have bought a new DeathAdder if I wasn't so pissed off at Razer. I would say you can't go wrong with buying a DeathAdder, but if yours dies I won't be held accountable.
Logitech MX518 Optical & G5 Laser
I'm cheating a little by lumping them together, but it's pretty much the same design with a different sensor. The original G5 Laser also had only one side button, which is total bullshit. Logitech has since "apologized" for their brilliant design decision by re-releasing the mouse as the G5 Blue which you can buy to replace the other one. Rejoice!
My G5 Laser gave me years, and when it finally went, it did so with a warning. I have not a single complaint regarding its construction, which is solid and firm. It's taller than the other mice, but not by much.
Certain design elements could have been improved, though. For example, your thumb is supposed to rest within that little grove below the side buttons. That's fine and all, but the bottom part of the mouse ends in a sharp edge for some stupid reason. If you like holding the mouse with your fingers close to the mouse pad, your thumb will be raw within the hour.
Okay, fine. The mouse wheel is noisy, and the cord is very stiff. There's your construction complaint.
The difference between optical and laser is mostly a question of mouse prediction. If you know what that is and absolutely, positively must have a mouse that doesn't have prediction (i.e. you're a hard core CS gamer), get the MX518. If it doesn't matter to you, I'd go for the laser variant.
In my opinion you can't really go wrong with either of these two. They're tried and tested.
SteelSeries Ikari Laser.
I was on the fence as to whether or not I should get this one. It comes with a hefty price tag, and I've never had a mouse be so much better than my current functional mouse that it was worth it. In the end, I held off until my DeathAdder died, upon which I decided to go back to my favoured mouse design. I used the G5 for a while, then bought the Ikari.
This thing is a beast. Construction wise, it is excellent. The main buttons are responsive, the mouse wheel is barely audible, the cord isn't too stiff, the side buttons are solid if too easy to press.
Design wise, it's a G5 on steroids, if the G5 had a rest for your ring finger. The main issue with the Ikari comes with the thumb grove, which is much too high. It feels better than the G5 (and doesn't have the sharp edge of death), but your thumb is practically touching the side buttons at all times. I accidentally pressed mouse 4 once while editing this. To remedy this, I some times press downward with my thumb on the thumb rest, but if I do this it's hard to get a grip to lift the mouse without the thumb slipping and hitting the easily pressed side keys.
It's such a shame. If it wasn't for this one gripe, I would recommend the Ikari wholeheartedly over all other mice, because everything else is made of win. I can even press the mouse wheel button without ever accidentally scrolling, which most mice have a problem with.
If you can get your literal hands on an Ikari and perhaps try it out before you purchase, I recommend doing so, because if you find you have no problems with the thumb rest it's a fantastic and lightweight mouse. You'll have to decide if it's worth the price tag, though.
I have a Diamondback and a MZ518, though the diamondback started off as a good mouse it became very loud and the buttons very stiff. These days I just use my logitech, which is bad for starcraft because its such a heavy mouse.
Just got the death adder for Christmas, and i freaking love it. Amazing mouse. Hope mine lasts much much longer than yours lol :<
United States22883 Posts
The Ikari Laser has problems at low sens (like all laser mice) and they fucked up the lift off distance on the optical version.
More Quake players probably swear by WMO1.1 than IME3.0, but those are definitely the two most popular of all time among serious FPS players. I'd wager MX518 rounds out the top 3.
On December 30 2009 09:39 Jibba wrote: The Ikari Laser has problems at low sens (like all laser mice) and they fucked up the lift off distance on the optical version.
Really? I should probably add this, but as I play on fairly high sens for everything, it hasn't been a problem for me. They did fuck up the lift-off distance on the optical version, though, and I wouldn't recommend it over the laser version for anything.
A lot of these high-end gaming mice just aren't worth it, too overpriced and don't really make much of a difference.
On December 30 2009 09:42 writer22816 wrote: A lot of these high-end gaming mice just aren't worth it, too overpriced and don't really make much of a difference.
United States22883 Posts
For those who don't know, the lift off distance is exactly what it sounds like. When you need to lift the mouse up as you get near the edge of your pad (or just to get more comfortable), you don't want a high lift off distance or else it'll mess up where you're aiming.
On December 30 2009 09:43 Aylear wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2009 09:42 writer22816 wrote: A lot of these high-end gaming mice just aren't worth it, too overpriced and don't really make much of a difference. Disagree.
ok then, explain how every virtually every progamer uses classics like LMO/G1/1.1a/3.0 instead of the new junk that just came out? You might argue that these players are too accustomed to their previous mice but if the new mice actually made a difference with their 12379481747034 dpi and god knows what other bullshit they tout, people would actually switch to them.
Hong Kong4685 Posts
On December 30 2009 09:42 writer22816 wrote: A lot of these high-end gaming mice just aren't worth it, too overpriced and don't really make much of a difference. You probably never tried a high end gaming mice.
On December 30 2009 09:55 writer22816 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2009 09:43 Aylear wrote:On December 30 2009 09:42 writer22816 wrote: A lot of these high-end gaming mice just aren't worth it, too overpriced and don't really make much of a difference. Disagree. ok then, explain how every virtually every progamer uses classics like LMO/G1/1.1a/3.0 instead of the new junk that just came out? You might argue that these players are too accustomed to their previous mice but if the new mice actually made a difference with their 12379481747034 dpi and god knows what other bullshit they tout, people would actually switch to them.
are we talking about just Starcraft pro-gamers or other pro-gamers as well because i think a higher DPI would help FPS players much more than RTS players.
On December 30 2009 10:03 b3h47pte wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2009 09:55 writer22816 wrote:On December 30 2009 09:43 Aylear wrote:On December 30 2009 09:42 writer22816 wrote: A lot of these high-end gaming mice just aren't worth it, too overpriced and don't really make much of a difference. Disagree. ok then, explain how every virtually every progamer uses classics like LMO/G1/1.1a/3.0 instead of the new junk that just came out? You might argue that these players are too accustomed to their previous mice but if the new mice actually made a difference with their 12379481747034 dpi and god knows what other bullshit they tout, people would actually switch to them. are we talking about just Starcraft pro-gamers or other pro-gamers as well because i think a higher DPI would help FPS players much more than RTS players.
Yet, in actuality, it doesn't.
sorry but an expensive 60$+ with a tag [gaming] mouse wont make u a pro gamer.
DPI is overrated yo. Basic mice for the win!
also: don't buy up the g3s all over the net I only have 3 in stock
I don't buy gaming mouses since they're always really, really big and I don't work well with big mouses. Also it's expensive haha
United States4796 Posts
Razer DeathAdder. Beautiful.
I can't use the small mice that most people on TL use for more then an hour. I have used a lot of mice and the only one that is comfortable for long periods of time for me is the mx518.
Ive been in love with my MX518 since the day i got it, must be...4 years ago now.
On December 30 2009 09:55 writer22816 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2009 09:43 Aylear wrote:On December 30 2009 09:42 writer22816 wrote: A lot of these high-end gaming mice just aren't worth it, too overpriced and don't really make much of a difference. Disagree. ok then, explain how every virtually every progamer uses classics like LMO/G1/1.1a/3.0 instead of the new junk that just came out? You might argue that these players are too accustomed to their previous mice but if the new mice actually made a difference with their 12379481747034 dpi and god knows what other bullshit they tout, people would actually switch to them. It's a mouse that they can easily replace - but not neccesarily the best one for every player, and it thus has become the status quo. I remember Artosis complimenting a player in a clanhouse for not copying everyone else by not using LMO/G1 or w/e.
And it's not only about DPI but about durability and ergonomics aswell. What I'm trying to say is that the LMO is just a cheap mouse that gets the job done, which teams can buy en grosse for an insanely low cost.However, it probably isn't the optimal mouse for every single player out there.
I won the Deathadder in a Starcraft tournament and have been using it ever since. Realy high DPI and sensitivity which took some getting used to, but once I did I can't go back to my old mouse because I feel it moves way too slow.
Dominican Republic825 Posts
how can u be good at FPS with like 1800dpi? or 2500dpi?? u cant be precise aiming, i play COD4 and UT2004 at 800pdi with Mx518.
On December 30 2009 09:55 writer22816 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2009 09:43 Aylear wrote:On December 30 2009 09:42 writer22816 wrote: A lot of these high-end gaming mice just aren't worth it, too overpriced and don't really make much of a difference. Disagree. ok then, explain how every virtually every progamer uses classics like LMO/G1/1.1a/3.0 instead of the new junk that just came out? You might argue that these players are too accustomed to their previous mice but if the new mice actually made a difference with their 12379481747034 dpi and god knows what other bullshit they tout, people would actually switch to them.
This might sound a little over-exaggerated, and it is probably slightly exagerrated, but every CS progamer uses either Death Adder or MX518
People will use the mouse everyone else is using because everyone else is using it. Find one you like and stick with it. Personally mx518 and G5 v2 (Success of the mx518) are my choices.
Logitech Mini. If it's good enough for Jaedong, it's good enough for me.
On December 30 2009 11:29 Liquid`Nazgul wrote: also: don't buy up the g3s all over the net I only have 3 in stock sell me one please
When my friend upgraded to the new Razer Mamba (which I must admit is incredible) I bought his Lachesis. The differences between the two are nearly negligible save for that the Mamba does all the Lachesis can do and then some while operating either wired or wireless. The Lachesis is easily the smoothest and fastest responding mouse I've personally owned though.
Before the Lachesis I used an older, white, four-button Microsoft Intellimouse. I loved it for its smooth response and it became the only mouse I'd use for games (especially surf maps on Counter Strike where smooth motion was a must). The only issue I ever had with it was the day it finally started developing shorts in the cable. I must've taped rigid at least four or so lengths along the cable before the last short which was right where the cable met the mouse. I scrapped it at that point. It must've lasted four or five years of use & abuse so I certainly got more than my money's worth out of it. I would've searched around craigslist & ebay for the same model if my friend hadn't sold the Lachesis to me for about $20.
United States22883 Posts
On December 30 2009 09:55 writer22816 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2009 09:43 Aylear wrote:On December 30 2009 09:42 writer22816 wrote: A lot of these high-end gaming mice just aren't worth it, too overpriced and don't really make much of a difference. Disagree. ok then, explain how every virtually every progamer uses classics like LMO/G1/1.1a/3.0 instead of the new junk that just came out? You might argue that these players are too accustomed to their previous mice but if the new mice actually made a difference with their 12379481747034 dpi and god knows what other bullshit they tout, people would actually switch to them. I think you guys are just fighting over the definition of high-end. MX518 is still pretty heavily used throughout CS and I think it's still $40~, but I wouldn't really call it a high-end gaming mouse. Similarly, I consider a DA high-end, but it drops down in sales to $40 all the time, so it's not really that hard to get.
A lot of people have started switching over to Razer mice and you're right, it's not because of CPI or most of the other features. The only reason I did it was the native 1000hz polling rate, which is useful because you couldn't change it in the RC of 64bit Win7 I have. Aside from that, and the finish on the mouse, it's an IME3.0. If you're still running XP and are using your own computer, those mice are perfectly fine.
On December 30 2009 12:43 Re-Play- wrote: how can u be good at FPS with like 1800dpi? or 2500dpi?? u cant be precise aiming, i play COD4 and UT2004 at 800pdi with Mx518. not everybody plaies at 1024x768, more and more people play at 1920x1200 hell i play at 2560 x 1600 and higher dpi.
Dominican Republic825 Posts
On December 30 2009 15:59 Virtue wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2009 12:43 Re-Play- wrote: how can u be good at FPS with like 1800dpi? or 2500dpi?? u cant be precise aiming, i play COD4 and UT2004 at 800pdi with Mx518. not everybody plaies at 1024x768, more and more people play at 1920x1200 hell i play at 2560 x 1600 and higher dpi.
lol i play 1600x1200 what are u talking about?
Lol, you messed up dpi & screen resolution.. Anyway, I think the most important thing is the feel of a mouse. I've had an MX500 for the longest time and it recently broke. I looked into a new mouse and tried out a couple, I ended up getting an MX518 because the model is the same and I liked it the best (+ I have a really good history with logitech mice in general).
A laser mouse with a high dpi reading is the best you can get in the sense of specs, but imo the feeling of the mouse > that hands down. Everyone has different hands and I'm sure everyone has their own preference, so just try some out.
I think the MX518 is one of the cheaper 'gaming' mice you can find.
Also, regarding fps and aiming issues, I know the mx518 has buttons to change the mouse's dpi to various presets for better aiming in sniping situations etc.
United States22883 Posts
On December 30 2009 15:59 Virtue wrote:Show nested quote +On December 30 2009 12:43 Re-Play- wrote: how can u be good at FPS with like 1800dpi? or 2500dpi?? u cant be precise aiming, i play COD4 and UT2004 at 800pdi with Mx518. not everybody plaies at 1024x768, more and more people play at 1920x1200 hell i play at 2560 x 1600 and higher dpi.
Dominican Republic825 Posts
On December 31 2009 08:15 Smorrie wrote: Lol, you messed up dpi & screen resolution.. Anyway, I think the most important thing is the feel of a mouse. I've had an MX500 for the longest time and it recently broke. I looked into a new mouse and tried out a couple, I ended up getting an MX518 because the model is the same and I liked it the best (+ I have a really good history with logitech mice in general).
A laser mouse with a high dpi reading is the best you can get in the sense of specs, but imo the feeling of the mouse > that hands down. Everyone has different hands and I'm sure everyone has their own preference, so just try some out.
I think the MX518 is one of the cheaper 'gaming' mice you can find.
Also, regarding fps and aiming issues, I know the mx518 has buttons to change the mouse's dpi to various presets for better aiming in sniping situations etc.
what im trying to say is that u dont need high dpi to play FPS games, with high DPI u cant shoot well because u have to keep a very firm grip on the mouse because the slightest movement translates to huge swings on the computer screen the only need for high dpi is its someone is behind u, u can turn around fast imo, but i will have less accuracy
You recommended the death adder. Probably the worst recommendation a gamer can give to another. That mouse is FAMOUS for skipping, its a garbage mouse and every single competent player that has used it, switched back to an ime.
Death adder is baddddddddddd
On December 30 2009 10:56 Liquid`Nazgul wrote: logitech g3 no comment
United States22883 Posts
On December 31 2009 09:26 PanN wrote: You recommended the death adder. Probably the worst recommendation a gamer can give to another. That mouse is FAMOUS for skipping, its a garbage mouse and every single competent player that has used it, switched back to an ime.
Death adder is baddddddddddd Science > you
The problems people were reporting with DA were mousepad specific. Not the sensor itself.
Go on gotfrag and post that, then they'll laugh at you and give you plenty of links from pro players saying it skips.
I'm not talking out of my ass, I like other razer mice, I like most of the mice posted in this thread, but the death adder has had a ton of issues and I refuse to use it.
Also I did used to own one, and it did skip, its possible it was during the 1.04 pull back that they were all just built wrong or something. Tons of people had trouble with it then, I don't know about now, but I threw mine away the moment I noticed it, and so did my teammates.
United States22883 Posts
Read the Gotfrag threads about it, it's specific to people using certain pads or doing something stupid like 450 dpi.
Second, ESreality > Gotfrag when it comes to mice. Q3 players take it more seriously than CS players, which is saying a lot, and the sensitivity in Q3 has to be higher.
On December 31 2009 09:53 Jibba wrote: Read the Gotfrag threads about it, it's specific to people using certain pads or doing something stupid like 450 dpi.
Second, ESreality > Gotfrag when it comes to mice. Q3 players take it more seriously than CS players, which is saying a lot.
I know that =(
I'm just not trying to sound like an asshole, I'm just speaking from experience and multiple people. Personally wouldn't recommend it is all. I've owned three different razer mice, and was just really surprised with how disappointing the DA was.
I still trust my ime more than anything else x.x.
United States22883 Posts
On December 31 2009 10:00 PanN wrote:Show nested quote +On December 31 2009 09:53 Jibba wrote: Read the Gotfrag threads about it, it's specific to people using certain pads or doing something stupid like 450 dpi.
Second, ESreality > Gotfrag when it comes to mice. Q3 players take it more seriously than CS players, which is saying a lot. I know that =( I'm just not trying to sound like an asshole, I'm just speaking from experience and multiple people. Personally wouldn't recommend it is all. I've owned three different razer mice, and was just really surprised with how disappointing the DA was. I still trust my ime more than anything else x.x. It's weird that the pad issues were specific to the DA and not other Razer mice, but it's worked for me on my QcK and I know quite a few CS players who were using it until their sponsors changed.
Agree about the IME 100% though. If it weren't for the Win7 64bit thing, I would've stuck with it. Part of my pre-conditions for buying this thing was it being on sale, and it having a 2 year warranty, cause I still don't trust the durability of Razer products.
Dominican Republic825 Posts
On December 31 2009 09:53 Jibba wrote: and the sensitivity in Q3 has to be higher.
WHY? i play low sensitivity all my fps i dont see the point playing high DPI or High sensitivity