United Kingdom5399 Posts
I'm currently on a diet -_- I was browsing the wonderfully (painful) website 'This is Why You're Fat.' (http://thisiswhyyourefat.com/) and it got me wondering what TL-netter's biggest vices are when it comes to food.
Some of the combinations on there seemed quite fantastical to my British cooking self (doughnuts and hamburgers together?!) and I was also wondering if anyone (sane) actually eats those combis?
My personal vices are; Hamburgers: I've cut them out of my diet entirely and lost 11kg so far. Ice cream: Baskin Robbins is available in Korea so this has been very tricky. Pizza: A Pizza School has opened up right next to where I work and it's insanely cheap (5,000won for a large pizza.) but I have resisted so far! Remember this is vice foods so no healthy things allowed!
Singapore66072 Posts
OMG that pizza-taco looks delicious I bet people would buy them all the time if they were sold in smaller quantities
also gl nevergg, remember cardio really helps keep your body slim!
you ever gonna email me those interview questions? !
Ice cream. I love it so much, but it's so so unhealthy I can't cut it out completely, so I try to only eat it once a week.
All kinds of chocolate, too. At a lot of stores they have the chocolate right where you pay for stuff, so I have to stand there and look at it while I wait in line.
Pizza too, but like ice cream i restrict myself to once a week max (usually Sunday. goes well with football)
Also, Atomic Fireballs. I can't stop eating those!
Katowice25012 Posts
My entire diet is pizza, tacos, and hamburgers. On the occasion that I make a salad its usually more full of meat, cheese, and sour cream than anything that would be considered healthy in a large dose.
When I finish my diet, I want one of those pizzas.
I seriously fucking do, the thing actually looks kinda good (maybe I'm just starved).
Wow, I'm reaaally lucky I do a lot of sports and can eat what I want, I could never bring myself to cut down on all those tasty things. Gonna go make myself a pizza now. :p
edit: just realized my post may not be very motivational, sorry. ^_^
I want that pizza-taco so bad =( Pop is a big problem for me. I drink 3-5 bottles ( 710mL ) a week. I really need to RESIST otherwise im gonna become a diabetic or something. But it's so addicting zzz
My dorm servers ice cream on Sunday nights. Meaning Sunday night -> I eat french fries and root beer floats for dinner. Delicious.
All those pictures of normally good foods are repulsive.
Canada5565 Posts
vice food...ah.... toasted corn salted? lol
I eat a Loco Moco at least once every week, was pretty funny to see it on that site. (was actually invented in my town)
mmmmm i want one now they look disgusting, but sooo sooo good
Man I have it easy, every one of the above ideas sicken my stomach and make me lose my appetite
On December 02 2009 14:20 Whiplash wrote: OMG that pizza-taco looks delicious I bet people would buy them all the time if they were sold in smaller quantities
also gl nevergg, remember cardio really helps keep your body slim! no shit? I heard the opposite. stay away from cardio nevergg.
11KG? Holy shit NeverGG, that's great work! Congrats
Man I should follow some of these diets. I can't seem to put on weight no matter what I try... its not bragging, I'm seriously desperate to gain some weight (my BMI tells me I'm almost underweight0.o)
What's a pizza school? I want to attend that.
My mortal enemy used to be cake. I don't eat it everyday nowadays  In the past 5 months or so I've lost a lot of excess weight and gotten a lot stronger by working out/proper dieting.
On December 02 2009 14:21 Xeris wrote:you ever gonna email me those interview questions?  ! yeah still wondering about that too