Tickets to korea.
Now i whould realy like any tips on where to live when im in korea, when i was searching for hotells i found hotells that was pretty damn expensive so if anyone have been at like a small hotell that's not to expensive or even a smaller Bed and breakfast place that is not to far away from where the starcraft action take's place. (or maby seoul is easy access to evrywhere, i have no idea)
my goals with this tripp is probably to visit the arena as much as possible and if im lucky "run" into as manny TL people that are in korea right now and meet them IRL.
I will also try to experience the city seoul and do the "usuall" sightseeing but since im a starcraft nerd and that's what made me wanna go to korea in the first place i think i will spend most of my time there doing stuff in the E-sports sceene.
BTW, the date for when im leaving is not set, i need to save monney for living expensis first. but i will try to save enoughf to be able to stay for atleast 3-5 weeks.
Thanks, any help whould be nice!