On September 30 2009 19:59 GTR wrote: mirror's edge and nwn2 will not run on a 3ghz p4.
for reference i had a 3ghz p4, 1.5gb ram and a 7600 gs and it BARELY ran nwn2, but it was simply unplayable.
Maybe you had some software issues there?
Because I had no problems with 7900GT, 2.2GHz and 1 - 2 Gb ram(I got 1gb more at one point when I still had Vista (that leech -_-), the comps 4-5 years old. NWN 2 I think I had atleast medium settings even. Crysis ran nicely too and not all of visual settings were at lowest. And I´m just playing Mirrors Edge Of course you can´t put the settings at max....
On September 30 2009 21:29 JohnColtrane wrote: any of the elder scrolls games (daggerfall, morrowind and oblivion being my favs...didnt play arena, redguard or battlespire much.) Open RPGs, very interesting lore and very fun.
I was just thinking how good the other Elder Scrolls games are compared to Oblivion (which I've completed)? I might try Morrowind actually
morrowind is way better than oblivion in terms of plot/general gameplay. the atmosphere about the game is just so much better than oblivion. unfortunately, it doesn't have some nice things that oblivion has though, like characters sleeping etc. and there are way more factions you can join and stuff. if you like oblivion you will definitely like morrowind.
On September 30 2009 21:29 JohnColtrane wrote: any of the elder scrolls games (daggerfall, morrowind and oblivion being my favs...didnt play arena, redguard or battlespire much.) Open RPGs, very interesting lore and very fun.
I was just thinking how good the other Elder Scrolls games are compared to Oblivion (which I've completed)? I might try Morrowind actually
morrowind is way better than oblivion in terms of plot/general gameplay. the atmosphere about the game is just so much better than oblivion. unfortunately, it doesn't have some nice things that oblivion has though, like characters sleeping etc. and there are way more factions you can join and stuff. if you like oblivion you will definitely like morrowind.
I´d be quite bored if my character took a few hour long nap mid game
On October 01 2009 00:08 Scaramanga wrote: mirrors edge is terrible, dont listen to gtr play some fall out 3 or bioshock, you can always play cs or tf2 that are always fun
I second this Fallout 3 and TF2 are great games, haven't played much Bioshock unfortunately
On October 01 2009 00:08 Scaramanga wrote: mirrors edge is terrible, dont listen to gtr play some fall out 3 or bioshock, you can always play cs or tf2 that are always fun
play throught the hl saga :D, by the time your finished you'll be well again obilivion and morrowind are really good aswell btw
No it´s fun, too much shooting though IMO and fighting is terrible -_-
Fallout 3 was so meh. Bioshock was good in the beginning then it went meh too.
Fallout 3, which might be unplayable if you're struggling with running NWN 2, is only a great game if you never played the first two. I advise playing the first two (particularly fallout 2, one of, if not the, funniest games ever made. Seriously. Portal hasn't got fucking shit on fallout 2) as they are great RPG's. A bit tricky to get used to though, may I suggest you run a Female with Small Guns, Speech and either Science (late game) or Steal (early game) as your tags, Gifted and Sex Appeal as your traits and at least ag 10 (you can go cha as low as 4 though, you won't need THAT many party members... maybe). Your other S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats aren't quite as important as having str at least 5 and ag 10.
Bioshock is an ok game, I guess. I didn't quite dig the story side as much as other people did although the atmosphere was pretty cool I reckoned. The shooting could have been handled better, as well as the plasmids, but it did ok by me.
The Witcher is an... interesting game. It's got a pretty damn good plot, some cool dialogue and themes, piss easy combat and very bleh RPG elements. It's great if you want to play a game but not good if you want to play a character, if that makes sense to you. Also, titties on display basically everywhere. Seriously, I could not believe the wide variety of sexual partners (and stature thereof, and ease of which they surrender themselves to Geralt) they put in this game, it's crazy! Bordering on sexist really...
If you do want to give it a shot, and it's probably not everyone's cup of tea, then make sure to outlast the agonising prologue section. I call it agonizing because although the tutorial is plenty informative they hadn't found good translations yet so it makes for some terrible listening. The translations get right on track after that for the rest of the game save for a few weird bits.
Its your gonna go isometric rpg. Play The Temple Of Elemental Evil. Please.
This game is an absolute gem, the only catch is you must (!) install the www.co9.org fan mod. Unfortunatley it was rushed out the door by its publishers and was released buggy. The mod polishes this game into the best CRPG combat system ever.. Incidently it also stays most true to the D&D core rules. (which I actually know nothing about. but still this games hardcore). Best of all its turn based. Unlike that psudeo realtime auto-pause crap like the Infinity engine games.
On September 30 2009 19:47 Foucault wrote: Um I was thinking Halo or Icewind Dale 2. My computer isn't super good, 3,0 mhz P4, 512 mb graphics, 2 gb RAM.
Halo is meh on PC (always feels like you're underwater, because the speed and controls were optimized for consoles). Icewind Dale 2 is ok, but an overall poor implementation of the D&D3.0 ruleset. IMO the original Icewind Dale was better, but many people disagree with me on that.
On September 30 2009 19:53 Gryffindor_us wrote: Knights of the Old Republic. Edit: I suppose my response was rather lackluster. It has an awesome story with a tolerable combat system. IF you're expecting JKAcademy like combat here or must have it then you should look elsewhere. It's an awesome game and it's 9.99 on steam. If you don't care about story or characters then I would probably not play it XD.
Also, go here before you make your character and browse the guide. Specifically main/secondary character combos.
It's a great introduction to the PC RPG Genre, but honestly does not hold a candle to the Baldur's Gate series. Any playthrough of that game after BG and BG2 just has you seeing the bad references to the BG series they make (character archetypes, etc.).
On September 30 2009 20:41 Licmyobelisk wrote: Mount and Blade
Shameless self promotion pm me if you're interested
On September 30 2009 21:29 JohnColtrane wrote: any of the elder scrolls games (daggerfall, morrowind and oblivion being my favs...didnt play arena, redguard or battlespire much.) Open RPGs, very interesting lore and very fun.
I was just thinking how good the other Elder Scrolls games are compared to Oblivion (which I've completed)? I might try Morrowind actually
Morrowind is better than Oblivion, lore-wise, IMO. It's more atmospheric. Oblivion was basically Daggerfall with nicer graphics, so if you finished Oblivion, you aren't missing much from Daggerfall.
Recommendations I second: Deus Ex, Gothic, Mount and Blade, Morrowind, System Shock 2 (basically the same game as Bioshock, except it's scifi-which I consider a plus, and will run better on shitty systems, though the graphics are poorer by a fair margin), Fallout 1/2 (better than 3 IMO). The Witcher and NWN2 (ESPECIALLY Mask of the Betrayer) are also good, but might not run well on your system.
My own recommendation: Planescape Torment. Best RPG, plot-wise, ever. Period. Not debatable. I know there are others on this forum who will agree with me on this.
On October 01 2009 02:10 nofAcedAgent wrote: Its your gonna go isometric rpg. Play The Temple Of Elemental Evil. Please.
This game is an absolute gem, the only catch is you must (!) install the www.co9.org fan mod. Unfortunatley it was rushed out the door by its publishers and was released buggy. The mod polishes this game into the best CRPG combat system ever.. Incidently it also stays most true to the D&D core rules. (which I actually know nothing about. but still this games hardcore). Best of all its turn based. Unlike that psudeo realtime auto-pause crap like the Infinity engine games.
On October 01 2009 02:10 nofAcedAgent wrote: Its your gonna go isometric rpg. Play The Temple Of Elemental Evil. Please.
This game is an absolute gem, the only catch is you must (!) install the www.co9.org fan mod. Unfortunatley it was rushed out the door by its publishers and was released buggy. The mod polishes this game into the best CRPG combat system ever.. Incidently it also stays most true to the D&D core rules. (which I actually know nothing about. but still this games hardcore). Best of all its turn based. Unlike that psudeo realtime auto-pause crap like the Infinity engine games.
ToEE is a decent game, but you're really overrating two elements of it, particularly combat:
1) D&D3.5E is not the best combat system ever. Not by a wide margin. Hell, anyone who's played tabletop and knows their way around the PHB reasonably should know that it's one of the most flat-out imbalanced combat systems ever. Spellcasters are just stupid good past level 5. A 6th level Druid can cast spells while in Wild Shape, meaning that he's basically unkillable with contributions from armor, wild shape natural armor, and buffs. At level 7, Clerics and Wizards pick up the slack--by which I mean a level 7 Cleric is STRICTLY better than a level 7 Fighter (thank you Divine Power), and a Wizard comes pretty damn close (Polymorph). On top of that, half of the cool details of 3.5E D&D are worthless. No one bull rushes or disarms, and people rarely trip, because in about 90% of the fights they'd be useful, you have zero chance of success. Ready against a charge? Too bad the AI doesn't charge. Ready a counterspell? Sure, on the 1% chance that the enemy happens to cast a spell you have, you can waste a spell to counter him instead of killing him.
90% of my fights progressed like this: 1) Cast area-disabling spells until everyone is disabled (Sleep/Glitterdust/Dispel Magic/Stinking Cloud, etc.; skip this step against boss monsters) 2) Summon monsters to tank, and cast single-target disabling spells (Confusion, Feeblemind, Blindness/Deafness, etc.; can usually be skipped to save time) 3) Cast buffs (Haste, Divine Power, Righteous Might, etc.; again, skip this step to save time) 4) Beat the disabled enemies silly. Rogues get sneak attack against sleeping/blinded/otherwise incapacitated enemies, so this step is usually retardedly fast.
The only times this strategy might not work is against a monster that happens to be immune to one or more of my disabling spells, and doesn't die to a team of buff-spammed spellcasters, in which case I leave, lock myself in a room, re-learn either different disabling spells, attack spells, or just more buffs/summons, and go back. The Infinity Engine may not have been the best engine, but at least Baldur's Gate II and Icewind Dale actually had combat encounters that could be called difficult, and required something other than a generic formula to beat.
2) The story is downright awful, and for good reason: it's ripped straight out of the D&D2E module. It was intended for a DM to actually spice up what goes into the story, but on it's own, it just fails to deliver.
Shame your computer is old maybe you have a xbobx360 or ps3 cuz fallout 3 is the shit. And the platinum or game or the year w.e edition has fallout 3 and all the DLC expansions. It's a good 50-300hours of game play if you roam alot.