I'm going to make it "official", that 8.18 shall be TL's sleep upside-down day. On, or around this day, if you choose to participate, you will be required to make a simple adjustment on your life and perspective, and see if it has made a difference.
The change you are going to make is small and subtle, it is simply instead of sleeping the way you usually do, you turn 180 degrees so your head lays where your foot used to be, and sleep upside-down. Here's how:
Before you sleep like this:
Try sleep like this for a change:
You're doing it wrong:
A small change can make you feel very different about the world, placebo or not, it should be an interesting, if not a rewarding experience. So when you fall asleep today, try sleeping upside-down, and get back to us on how did it feel different(if any).
Have fun sleeping upside-down!!
Testimonials of people who have slept upside down:
the original upside-down sleeper
upside-down goes wrongly
how to 5-0 on iccup
nothing happend
Oh I'm gonna try this for sure ^.^ Gonna do it Tomorrow night, see if I can pass my Driver's Test on Wednesday
Baa?21242 Posts
I wish I can sleep like a bat.
United States3824 Posts
I"ma glue myself to the ceiling.
Pf i switch back and forth all the time. Which way's backwards?
I'll do it. I'll do it the "wrong way" though, flipping horizontally, but good enough, right? I'll blog about it later. I'm sure that when I wake up and wonder why I'm sleeping like that, I'll think of TL.
16951 Posts
Aww that bear is so cute
I turn myself every so often anyways, i should do something more drastic.
I see no reason not to participate. I believe in CHANGE!
gogogo switch to hammock too
K why not. Though I'll surely have forgotten by tonight.
Are we all supposed to make individual threads...
Or post here? :|
I do this sometimes if I can't get to sleep in my normal position. It sometimes helps since where my feet usually go is the window so I can feel the breeze and look out the window.
On August 18 2009 16:25 BanZu wrote: Are we all supposed to make individual threads...
Or post here? :|
up to you, i think individual blog post is more personal