Wanna-be-cool Stream - StarCraft 2
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Starcraft II HOTS : TOP GrandMaster http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/389855/1/Wannabecool/
League of Legend: Diamond 2 http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/26708902
Hi, this is Wannabecool. I am one of the top North America Protoss player.
This game is strategy game where it requires strategy not mechanics and apm. it's all about STRATEGY. Mechanics and apm comes naturally as you play this game more and more. I used to have around 50 apm ave xD
Come and enjoy watching me rage against ZERG!!!
I do play a clicking game called OSU time to time which helps me able to micro in SCBW.
It's a fun rhythmic game. It's just a warm up game.
I also play League of Legends for lols~
Follow me on twitter @wbcool and I would love a comment on my stream thread~ Thank u~
"Lol what's mechanics?" -Wannabecool-
165 comments. Latest: May 06 2013, 10:43 by MinKi
Advisory: This stream contains mature language.