On May 02 2018 04:36 Plansix wrote: The choice between being being shot or being poisoned.
Zlefin vs dauntless moderation. This is a complete aside but from someone who has experience with both being shot is better. I will not elaborate.
Outline what the new rules are in a clear way and then have mods defer to a constistant standard to those rules. If decisions are made to change the rules then tell people that they're different and change the standard with respect to those changes
Pretty much all of my actions I've had other mods say "I wouldn't have actioned that" or "Yeah the other poster should have been actioned"
Hell, Nixer (the one who banned me) and none of the mods ever even clarified what the hell he was talking about that got me banned not just from the US politics thread, but site wide.
Sorry to be curt, but that's trash. Just shitty moderating regardless of the rules. If my posts in other threads were unacceptable to mods, they have to be able to AT LEAST point to the posts if the desire is changing of posting habits and not simply shutting down a particular perspective.
Basically, there are several mods I believe incapable or unwilling to mod responsibly on their own and shouldn't be able to. So whether that's restricting their ability to mod the US politics thread, requiring them to get other mods to sign off, or something else is up to you guys, but letting someone like Nixer continue to mod the US politics thread with the protection of subjectivity and without reasonable explanation undermines any rhetoric about a better thread.
On May 02 2018 04:36 Plansix wrote: The choice between being being shot or being poisoned.
Zlefin vs dauntless moderation.
If they both started moderating at the same time do you think anyone would remain unbanned?
On May 02 2018 04:58 Blitzkrieg0 wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2018 04:36 Plansix wrote: The choice between being being shot or being poisoned.
Zlefin vs dauntless moderation. If they both started moderating at the same time do you think anyone would remain unbanned?
Just imagined basically a royal rumble ending with a double elimination lol
We would all be labeled morons who are posting in bad faith.
On May 02 2018 05:35 Plansix wrote: We would all be labeled morons who are posting in bad faith. Only the ones who don't follow the rules.
On May 02 2018 06:04 xDaunt wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2018 05:35 Plansix wrote: We would all be labeled morons who are posting in bad faith. Only the ones who don't follow the rules. I stand by my original statement, we all.
On May 02 2018 06:20 Plansix wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2018 06:04 xDaunt wrote:On May 02 2018 05:35 Plansix wrote: We would all be labeled morons who are posting in bad faith. Only the ones who don't follow the rules. I stand by my original statement, we all. The worst part about this baseless commentary is that I actually advocated for Plansix’s permanent ban to be revoked.
On May 02 2018 06:36 xDaunt wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2018 06:20 Plansix wrote:On May 02 2018 06:04 xDaunt wrote:On May 02 2018 05:35 Plansix wrote: We would all be labeled morons who are posting in bad faith. Only the ones who don't follow the rules. I stand by my original statement, we all. The worst part about this baseless commentary is that I actually advocated for Plansix’s permanent ban to be revoked. I tied to make a ha ha funny joke and you took it way to seriously. I even used a Lindsey Graham quote to keep it in theme. You all need how to have a sense of humor about all of this.
United Kingdom13775 Posts
On May 02 2018 03:34 Liquid`Drone wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2018 02:37 LegalLord wrote:On May 02 2018 02:29 Liquid`Drone wrote: I think part of the problem/issue is that being a consistent high-quality poster takes a lot of effort. For people to do that consistently for years is an anomaly more than that people fade in and out. Do you consider the widely perceived overall decline in quality to be 1) real and 2) consistent with your above logic? It's hard to define really, and it depends on what you perceive as the mission of the thread and what constitutes quality. I haven't been part in any moderation efforts to redeem the thread - I've been too preoccupied with other things in life to really engage in the moderation as of late. This isn't an attempt at distancing myself from the actions the rest of the staff has taken - but rather to signify that the following opinions are my own. I'm also not really answering your question I guess - but part of that is because I haven't really been following the thread that much lately. I don't have a strong opinion on whether there's been a decline in quality or not, because I think that's a mixed bag. But I'll detail how I feel about the thread in general. Personally, I've always enjoyed the thread. I thought it gave me really valuable insight into the 'feel' of the american political climate. What issues mattered the most to people, what arguments were most persuasive, which politicians were most relevant. I liked it as a news-aggregate, as an arena to get exposed to different perspectives, and as a method of getting valuable feedback to your own more or less staunchly set political beliefs. Now, I think sometimes, politics should be antagonistic and confrontational. This is the nature of discussing issues that actually matter. Tesagi doesn't actually matter, and when we discuss brood war or sc2 balance or who is the best player or what is the best strategy for dealing with +1 5 rax, it's important that we manage to do so cordially. And no opinion on any of these subjects should be so offensive that maintaining your cool and composure should be particularly difficult. But when we're discussing whether or not to invade Iraq, whether or not to combat global warming, whether or not racism is a problem in the US today, whether we should support Israel's aggressive settlement policy, to what degree rural americans should accept being mocked and belittled, to what degree they should accept jobs disappearing and their communities disintegrating. Sometimes, people are right to get angry. At the same time, it's a tough thing to balance - because too much anger makes productive, enlightening discussion impossible. But it's also impossible to have productive, enlightening discussion without any emotion. Nobody will care enough to make the effort to persuade, then. In one way, the Trump-election-period was amazing for the thread. It really functioned as a reflection of the evolution of the american level of discourse. People would be pissed at each other before Trump's emergence, too, but Trump really enhanced the 'factional' element. Before, there were some political points of view that would brand you as evil, naive or an idiot - now you'd be one or more of those through giving your support for - or the lack of opposition - towards either Sanders, Hillary or Trump. This was a big blow for the idea of the thread being an outline for pleasant, civilized and enlightened discourse. But it was amazing in terms of how well it reflected the american political climate. In a way, I think what we're seeing now, is part of the same. It seems like society is kinda processing how to deal with the editorial (or, where the editor is invisible and unaccountable)-free media consumption habits spurred on by social media. There have been good and bad elements to this. Giving the formerly voiceless a voice, that's fantastic. Widespread persuasively designed fake news getting shared millions of times and believed by millions of people? That's potentially disastrous. Likewise, the recent crackdown and more harsh moderation has influenced the thread in several ways. It negatively influenced the activity. But is that necessarily negative? In 2016 following the thread was almost a full-time job - it might be a good thing if fewer people repeat the same message. Has it negatively influenced the average post quality? I think not. Has the thread become a lesser outlet for opinions that distinguish themselves from the acceptable mainstream? Certainly. Is the discussion more pleasant and less antagonistic? My impression is also yes. Maybe the balance moved from being slightly off-center on one side to off-center on the other. But like, if I really wanted to make the thread better, what I would do is post more good posts in the thread. That's how you go about it. My personal opinion is that the thread is better off with GH, xDaunt and Danglars participating in it - I enjoy being exposed to different perspectives, these three all bring it. But I also don't think any of these posters have been actioned for their best posts, and I think they would all, if they really tried, be able to contribute their point of view without being banned. To answer your first comment: The thread is little more than a chatroom on a forum. I see no reason to mysticize it or make it more than it is. It’s where some of us go to talk about a topic of interest, and where we leave or stay mostly as we wish. But in terms of the points you bring up, a brief response of my own. The thread has its ups and downs. Obviously there are topics where opinions are so polarized it gets vicious - Ukraine thread comes to mind - and it seems that vanilla US politics has become that over time. That’s not necessarily terrible all on its own, but it can get out of hand.
Now what of the discussion that currently goes on? Well I couldn’t find any better description than a slightly modified version of what I posted a few days ago:
On April 26 2018 16:13 LegalLord wrote: The problem goes well beyond [the bad bans] - the quality of discussion available has declined month after month to the point where piss fight exchanges are the norm rather than an occasional occurrence. It’s not a recent problem, it’s been steadily happening for years now. The response to putting effort into a not popular opinion is to have a swarm of dismissive me-too posters look for asinine criticism to try to dismiss it. Only thing that’s changed is that now highly questionable bans are thrown into the mix.
I don’t know why you’d expect them not to walk away when the experience is wholly negative. It’s more a matter of finding the right catalyst than anything else.
An opinion which evidently found support given that a number of people expressed the same sentiment in succession.
So back to what I was asking. Do you think that a perceived decline in the quality exists? From what I can parse the answer is “yes in terms of content and breadth of opinion, no in terms of cordiality in posting.” Ok. Now the second question: is such a perceived decline due to the fact that high quality takes effort and is generally ephemeral, as consistent with your claim, or might something else be going on? I see no direct answer but I see less defense of that characterization than a different point about the results of moderation. And what I posit is that when the larger trend, rather than any one or two or three individual cases, shows that high quality posts aren’t appreciated except of the “validation of popular opinion” variety, it would be no wonder that those posters don’t bother anymore. It’s not necessarily about being fawned over, but people want to feel that if they spent hours writing something, that there was a point to it. That being widely perceived not to be there, such posters don’t waste their time and either leave or go Twitter style.
I must admit that in my case, I saw this no more clearly than when, to answer a question someone asked in the thread, I went back and scanned through about two years of my last posts to see what would be a good way to answer the question. What I saw, especially towards the more recent end of that, showed very clearly why writing up high quality answers seems like an utter waste of time. The breadth of people there actually willing to listen and discuss just hasn’t been there. It’s mostly the seeking of an echo chamber in which a dozen me-too bandwagoners can say “+1” in ten or so words to a snarky and agreeable comment. That was slightly before the Danglars ban and the gutter-tier response by the moderation that solidified the sentiment of “what is the point of being here anyways?” That was about when I stopped being involved entirely.
Your mention of “should GH, Danglars and xDaunt have been actioned” misses the point something fierce, mostly because they aren’t really the problem (also because xDaunt has been actioned almost never and just kind of faded away instead). Their posts can start fires, but that’s literally the entire point of having a discussion. The real question is why, instead of focusing on the people who start a fight by horribly caricaturing content posts by failing to even put in the effort to understand them, instead the content providers themselves are considered the problem? It’s not hard to read and, if necessary, clarify rather than literally running to assume the least charitable conclusion possible. I’ve done it with all three and they’re generally fairly responsive. And I agree with each at most like 40% of the time.
Past experience leads me to believe that your view of who is and isn’t a good poster differs enough from mine that there won’t be any agreement here. However, as far as I can tell the only people happy with the thread are the “+1” jerkoffs in question, which isn’t really the best indicator of the health of the discussion. If the moderation staff wants to butt in to keep things that way, and to lean back on “neener neener our house” more often than any decent host ever should, then fine - but the result won’t encourage diversity of opinions leading to good discussion. If having a useful and healthy discussion isn’t of interest, though, then why not just end the farce of “cleaning the thread up” in its entirety and either just let it find its own moderation-lite balance or just close it up and have everyone move on?
On May 02 2018 02:32 Seeker wrote: So, currently, in the public statement that I'm drafting, here is what I have so far:
1. An introduction explaining why the mods felt that a revamp was needed. 2. An explanation on the posting culture that developed over time because of the lack of moderation, and why we felt the need to shut it down. 3. An explanation on the new guidelines when it comes to posting sources. 4. An explanation on thread bans.
If there is anything that you guys feel needs to be addressed then please let me know now. I only want to do this once. (2) You and the mod team have made it very clear that you take very little ownership of the poor moderation standards of the past thread by banning me, without prior warns and out of the blue, for interactions with posters who weren't moderated and set the actual standards for the thread. This made it abundantly clear that the moderation team was ill suited to maintain a debate arbitrating fairly and according to standards. Your actions have been capricious in effect, though you all assert that very careful discussion occurred behind the scenes before you took this action with me. Basically, you should own up to the real standards that the thread takes where mods mop up haphazardly in the wake of many flippant exchanges.
You said I was being reported too often. KBB said he just saw a problem and took the easiest fix to manage it, and granted debates are easier to manage when a left-dominant forum sees most of their core preconceptions honored and not rebuked. You quoted another that said the temp threadban was to test a theory to improve the thread, yet you didn't see fit to recognize that I posted in the de-facto standards to people that responded to my posts.
I really think the moderation team lacks political perspectives from the American right. The past thread and this thread's moderation reeks of moderation action taken capriciously from ignorance at maintaining a standard for everyone (and communicating this standard). It also suffers from an overwhelmed mod staff that repeatedly claims the volume of reports as reason for mistakes in holding up a standard. The combination of this ignorance, inadequacy of team size, and a little bias and ideological narrowness, led to a de-facto second standard for conservatives in the thread and a general discouragement of broad interaction in the thread.
xDaunt is right about the standards of participation of the current crop of posters. He chose to reduce his posting volume given how few would follow logic and argument to conclusions. I stuck it out a little longer and actually responded to the shitposter tier that comprised 90% of my post responses, and was rewarded with a thread-ban, yay. I hope a changed direction in actual moderation will result in recruiting new conservatives to post. The old crop knows your past failures, and it will probably take a while to see if you're serious about an even standard, regardless of that being more work for your team.
On May 02 2018 09:32 Danglars wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2018 02:32 Seeker wrote: So, currently, in the public statement that I'm drafting, here is what I have so far:
1. An introduction explaining why the mods felt that a revamp was needed. 2. An explanation on the posting culture that developed over time because of the lack of moderation, and why we felt the need to shut it down. 3. An explanation on the new guidelines when it comes to posting sources. 4. An explanation on thread bans.
If there is anything that you guys feel needs to be addressed then please let me know now. I only want to do this once. (2) You and the mod team have made it very clear that you take very little ownership of the poor moderation standards of the past thread by banning me, without prior warns and out of the blue, for interactions with posters who weren't moderated and set the actual standards for the thread. This made it abundantly clear that the moderation team was ill suited to maintain a debate arbitrating fairly and according to standards. Your actions have been capricious in effect, though you all assert that very careful discussion occurred behind the scenes before you took this action with me. Basically, you should own up to the real standards that the thread takes where mods mop up haphazardly in the wake of many flippant exchanges. You said I was being reported too often. KBB said he just saw a problem and took the easiest fix to manage it, and granted debates are easier to manage when a left-dominant forum sees most of their core preconceptions honored and not rebuked. You quoted another that said the temp threadban was to test a theory to improve the thread, yet you didn't see fit to recognize that I posted in the de-facto standards to people that responded to my posts. I really think the moderation team lacks political perspectives from the American right. The past thread and this thread's moderation reeks of moderation action taken capriciously from ignorance at maintaining a standard for everyone (and communicating this standard). It also suffers from an overwhelmed mod staff that repeatedly claims the volume of reports as reason for mistakes in holding up a standard. The combination of this ignorance, inadequacy of team size, and a little bias and ideological narrowness, led to a de-facto second standard for conservatives in the thread and a general discouragement of broad interaction in the thread. xDaunt is right about the standards of participation of the current crop of posters. He chose to reduce his posting volume given how few would follow logic and argument to conclusions. I stuck it out a little longer and actually responded to the shitposter tier that comprised 90% of my post responses, and was rewarded with a thread-ban, yay. I hope a changed direction in actual moderation will result in recruiting new conservatives to post. The old crop knows your past failures, and it will probably take a while to see if you're serious about an even standard, regardless of that being more work for your team.
Yeah the ownership over poorly performed moderation is one I'd like. I'm not even talking about the which posts should be actioned, I'm talking about what Danglars is describing, what I described a few posts back. Without that it's not clear mods really understand part of why people are upset.
Secondly the whole not actioning the +1'ers and people not actually engaging with arguments as presented have not really seen any action for that type of action, also indicating another prime contributor to the problem at hand, as of yet unrecognized by the mods.
Lastly, I don't miss conservative opinions that much, but I'd be lying if I said they weren't often presented more soundly than a lot of the arguments opposing them despite their frequency.
Those last two haven't really been contested or acknowledged by mods and I think without that aspect, this new policy statement is doomed to fall flat.
EDIT: There's some stuff in there about flip flopping on excuses for poor moderation consistency that are inconsistent with themselves as Danglars points out that I would also agree with.
I got a question: Has Danglars or GreenHorizons ever displayed the faintest shred of remorse? I ask because I may have missed a post somewhere.
United Kingdom13775 Posts
On May 02 2018 09:53 Aquanim wrote: I got a question: Has Danglars or GreenHorizons ever displayed the faintest shred of remorse? I ask because I may have missed a post somewhere.
For what?
On May 02 2018 09:55 GreenHorizons wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2018 09:53 Aquanim wrote: I got a question: Has Danglars or GreenHorizons ever displayed the faintest shred of remorse? I ask because I may have missed a post somewhere. For what? Should I take that as a no in your case?
On May 02 2018 09:57 Aquanim wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2018 09:55 GreenHorizons wrote:On May 02 2018 09:53 Aquanim wrote: I got a question: Has Danglars or GreenHorizons ever displayed the faintest shred of remorse? I ask because I may have missed a post somewhere. For what? Should I take that as a no in your case?
No. You should take it as me not knowing what you think I should have expressed remorse for.
If you have a point, make it.
United Kingdom13775 Posts
On May 02 2018 09:57 Aquanim wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2018 09:55 GreenHorizons wrote:On May 02 2018 09:53 Aquanim wrote: I got a question: Has Danglars or GreenHorizons ever displayed the faintest shred of remorse? I ask because I may have missed a post somewhere. For what? Should I take that as a no in your case? Is there a point to the loaded question or is this just a troll?
Okay, let me be clearer then. I assumed the point was obvious.
Even if we accept the proposition that GreenHorizons and Danglars did not act inappropriately enough to be banned, there is still a long way between "inappropriate enough to be long-term banned" and "acting like a reasonable poster", and people in that range should apologise for their actions and clean up their act.
Are y'all making the claim that neither of these posters are even in that range?
“I went to far that time” isn’t a phrase I expect from most of the folks with complaints about the moderation.