On March 14 2015 08:26 Paljas wrote:
What do you mean with removed?
I dont think a perm banned without any kind of warnings (temp ban) is a good way to go about it, even if its a poster as awful as hannabelle.
I mean, he somewhat tried to contribute to the discussion, its just his political position which is god damn awful.
What do you mean with removed?
I dont think a perm banned without any kind of warnings (temp ban) is a good way to go about it, even if its a poster as awful as hannabelle.
I mean, he somewhat tried to contribute to the discussion, its just his political position which is god damn awful.
Hannah had two warnings and a one week temp all from one thread, plus a page of mods complaining about what a headachache hannah was to moderate with no other redeeming qualities as they pretty much exclusively posted in the US Politics thread.