how come the 3rd place winner get m,ore money then the second place winner?^^
On February 27 2011 20:24 Killmouse wrote: how come the 3rd place winner get m,ore money then the second place winner?^^
thats the power of typos! Thanks, fixed it.
Damn, stacked tourney and almost no prior info, too bad
GL TLO! He beat whitera and is now 1-1 vs dimaga.
Nice play DIMA :-) DAVAY DAVAY ♥
awesome that they have a LB will be fun to watch with a LoTR soundtrack on TLO's stream:D
LOL Goody scans and sees MorroW has 10+ broodlords and a million billion spines in the center of the map, then gg's!
What is going ON! ROFL! That ZvZ is SICK!
What the hell, I open the stream and see Brood Lords in a zvz? What happened?
Hahaha this is amazing!! Great ZvZ. 5 vs 5 Base.. :D
We need to see this format in the cup scene more often. Every game is a potential blockbuster. There are no boring rounds of 2048 or whatever and for the players it should be really comfortable as every game is a real challenge to them.
On February 27 2011 21:55 Irrational_Animal wrote: We need to see this format in the cup scene more often. Every game is a potential blockbuster. There are no boring rounds of 2048 or whatever and for the players it should be really comfortable as every game is a real challenge to them.
So you want to take away the chance of lesser known players to become famous due to good results in tournaments? Way to destroy eSports. Its always thrilling if you see newcomers or lesser known players take games from stars or knock them out.. thats one reason lots of people are watching.
If you only host invite tourneys it will become quiet boring since it will only be the same players all over again. No new faces whatsoever.
TLO streaming an amazing PvP (yes, really), from his perspective vs Hasu.
I didn`t plea to abolish the Go4sc2 format completely so you seem to overinterprete my post a bit. All that I´m saying is that this format is better for the players and viewers and that it is a nice addition. Of course it can also become boring (or better: not as thrilling) if we see WhiteRa vs TLO every second day but apart from that I don`t see why a new tourney organizer should always stick with the conventional system. Besides there are soo many cups where new faces can emerge but right now the pool of the top players is also pretty much settled and you mostly see the usual suspects making it into the quarter finals anyway.
Edit: Yea the PvP was really nice (never could really say who is winning atm) as it even included stuff that we rarely see in this matchup (split armies/ a lot of multitask).
That's probably how PvP would always look if the Colossus were removed from the matchup. Great game.