Of course, what would a time of momentous change be without the ever-present flaming? It just so happens that now is a time when the TL forums have seemingly turned into fire and brimstone. Good luck finding a thread on the front page of a forum that isn't about some change or scandal. Actually, the harder task would just be to find a thread that doesn't have someone raging about one of the things I mentioned above . . . even if the thread isn't really about that.
As a guy who can sometimes let his passions and stubbornness run away from him, I haven't been just an innocent bystander. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those frequent flamers. All I've done is dropped some of the more polite criticisms on issues like Code A casting and a concerned remark about some NASL and iNcontroL stuff.
I'm still a fan of all of these things. iNcontroL, for example. Yeah, the GSL restream and stuff wasn't exactly amazing, but everyone makes mistakes. And iNc can have that same passionate and stubborn thing that I have going on. I can completely understand where he's coming from since I've been there. I don't care about a mistake or two now. I'm still going to watch his stream and the archives on YouTube. I'm still going to love him on SotG.
Some flames every once in awhile are okay. Without conflict we wouldn't get anywhere. But the ridiculous amounts of flaming that is going on right now has me entering my SC Flame Shelter (patent pending; leave a reservation request for a space in the thread in case of a SC Flame Apocalypse!). I can barely go anywhere in the forums without hitting flames, so I've decided to only visit innocuous threads (I'm rather optimistic about the Tech Support forum -- hopefully this is one oasis that isn't a mirage) and to ignore any flames I see while abstaining from any further debate on these hot topics. I have a feeling my forum experience will drastically improve.
Yeah, I might comment on some brilliantly written strategy post about, say, energy recovery in relation to the possibly lost Khaydarian Amulet upgrade, but that's about it. Math, not flames, people.
And so I ask you, fellow TLer: doesn't a flame shelter sound pretty good right about now?