So a few weeks ago on Kings of Tin we had the wonderful JP McDaniel on for some good games and in one of those games djWHEAT had a hero mutalisk by the name of Murray. We had a little contest to see who could do the best photoshop of Murray and here are the winners! What do they win? I have absolutely no idea. Maybe we'll have them on Kings of Tin? Sure. That sounds good.
ROOT.CatZ - Winner!
Decimating all competition with one of the most hilarious photoshop images I've ever seen...
Eleine_Sun - 2nd Place!
Excellent painting of a mutalisk.
Honorable Mention:
James Stidard
Wess Marple
Be sure to tune in to this Wednesday's Kings of Tin as we have Gosugamers.Naugrim on for some more 3v3 awesomeness!