I was always wondering if it'd help me to actually comment my own games, even if it'd be for my own analysis, as well as to make myself to actually watch my own replays and think about my own games more. Yes, I've been guilty of not wanting to watch my replays, because admittedly, whenever I did that, it made me crige so hard, calling myself with not-so-nice-names. It was my negative/pessimistic mindset kicking in, basically. But, since my last blog, where I mentioned my struggles and wish to fix my mindset for better SC2 progress - this may as well be the very first baby step towards more positive mindset. Watching my own replays without necessary making horrid faces and analyzing them, even if it'd be with my own commentary.
I'm uploading the video I made as I type these lines (Edit, obviously uploaded now!). And, there are couple of things I discovered, while attempting to comment on my own stuff.
1) When the game starts and it's your usual boring start, I struggle to find something to talk about. You know, saying that a probe was built, each single time one comes out, that's not too appealing nor enjoyable for anyone to listen. I tried to make small explanation of what the game is and also, that the English is not my first language - hence why my accent may sound odd to some of you. Also reacted on the ingame chatter rather than sitting there in silence and not saying anything. But, other than that, what to say when the game's basically slow and nothing thrilling is happening?
2) When I finished the commentary, I realized there were so many more things I could've comment on. For example, I could've self-analyze the game when the replay ended more indepth. Like, to be more aware of my own scouts, to make it a habit to check on them. Because, if you watched, you'd see that I noticed them dying only few moments before it actually happened. I could've comment on the fact that I should be more aware of the minimap throughout the game. Which I wasn't. Probably could nitpick on more stuff as well..
3) When I re-watched the video, I found it a bit awkward to listen to my own voice. I could've put more effort into tone changing, depending on the situation. Also, the accent may be annoying for some people, I think. Also, I apologize for swearing there and there... heh. I realized that it might not be the good way of sharing some excitement and some people might dislike it, if they decide to watch my stuff.
4) It might be boring for all these gosu players we have on TL to watch such low level play, but then again, I'm more doing it for the sake of my own improvement rather than trying to shine on everyone here. I also picked a short game to try and comment on it, to see how hard it is. It is hard, but at the same time, I believe it really helped me to think more about the game I played, without just discarding it and saying 'Geez, I suck so hard'. I'm just a very low low Bronze player, so once again, please forgive me the low level shown in the game...I'm working on it.
Overall impressions
I kind of enjoyed doing that commentary. Although, as with everything I do for the first time, there's surely a lot of room for improvement. Even now, as I'm typing, I'd do several things differently. Like the post-game analysis I mentioned earlier, where I'd sum up the good and bad parts of the game. And, I'd not use swear words in my 'excited' moments. Although, when I get surprised like I did in this game, I really do think like that... <.<
Also, I had music in the background - I cannot function without music, but I put it on low volume to not be intrusive or annoying. My mic needs some readjustment as well, as the breathing could be heard way too much.
In the end, any comments, opinions as to how to improve both my commentaries as well as self-analyzing my own games, next to improving my game are always welcomed and greatly appreciated.
PS: I hope Youtube didn't re-synchronize the audio or something, haven't watched it yet. Sorry for mic configuration once more.
You definitely could have still done something at the end, it didn't look like it was completely over. Both of you guys had your economies and production capabilities wrecked.....
Good job though.
Have you put any thought into commentating in your native language as well as in English? I'm sure there would be an audience for it.
On January 13 2011 06:46 iNcontroL wrote: Good job jana
Thank you.
On January 13 2011 08:12 Impervious wrote: You definitely could have still done something at the end, it didn't look like it was completely over. Both of you guys had your economies and production capabilities wrecked.....
Good job though.
Have you put any thought into commentating in your native language as well as in English? I'm sure there would be an audience for it.
I'm quite not sure I could've done much in that game. Like you said, we killed eco of each other and couldn't produce stuff, the game was pretty much done, imo.
As for commentating in my language - I pretty much don't participate in Czech communities; besides, we are small country and I am quite not sure if they'd appreciate it. The main purpose of this is to get myself to analyze my games without that nice cringe on my face, as well as to do something different, enjoyable.
Besides, if I casted in my language and get too excited, my 7-years old would feel like commenting as well.
On January 13 2011 07:19 Stretsful wrote: lol whyd you have to cast this game T_T although good cast.
Lol, Cool... I picked something short and recent. This suited the purpose just fine.
Even if you couldn't do much in that game, you still had units, and the ability to prevent him from doing much either. Those types of situations can result in some of the most fun games you'll ever play. I definitely think you prematurely gave up.
I've been listening to casts in French and in German to help refresh my verbal knowledge of the languages, since English is my first language. It's been working great for me. I was actually suggested a similar trick by someone when he was learning Italian. Even if the Czech community is small, there may be people outside of it that would listen to the casts, if they were there. And youtube is a great medium for finding things like that.
On January 13 2011 08:53 Impervious wrote: Even if you couldn't do much in that game, you still had units, and the ability to prevent him from doing much either. Those types of situations can result in some of the most fun games you'll ever play. I definitely think you prematurely gave up.
I've been listening to casts in French and in German to help refresh my verbal knowledge of the languages, since English is my first language. It's been working great for me. I was actually suggested a similar trick by someone when he was learning Italian. Even if the Czech community is small, there may be people outside of it that would listen to the casts, if they were there. And youtube is a great medium for finding things like that.
Either way, more commentaries are always better!
Haha, if I had some probies, i could bite his stuff with them, or something like that.
And, well.. Czech people would probably end up throwing potatoes on me, because I am only Bronze player. I've stalked some Czech SC2 forums and saw quite a lot of people who'd just troll it. Besides, casting the same game in two languages, that's not even productive, given the reasons why I actually did the commentary in the first place. And it's a way to practice my English as well.
I'll try to keep this up for sure, when I do my progress report blogs
I told you when I watched the replay that you gave up too early, and clearly others here agree. maybe you'll believe me when I tell you to keep playing these types of games out in the future. =)