Anyone have any suggestions on staying up for about 36 hours straight?
Little background first, Last night I slept from midnight till 5am and then worked 6 to 3. Tonight I have a giant test and paper to study for/do so sadly I won't be sleeping. I have work again at 6am tomorrow till 2:30 and then class at 3:30 till 6:30. There is also a 3 mile walk from my house to work and back and then a small walk to campus.
So I ask you teamliquid,
what are some of your master tips for all nighters? Aside from the usual, music, dont study in bed, dont eat a ton.
I bought a 5-hour energy for the morning walk to work tomorrow. As for the night tonight I hear that drinking ice water is more effective than coffee/soda. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
Instead of using your time on TL, take a short nap.
Never tested it before? There's a chance your brain will malfunction during the exam =(
It happens to people... Risky thang.
I would advise against staying awake for 36 straight hours, instead, it will be more effective if you get 1 or 2 hours of sleep. After about 16 hours of staying awake, you begin to lose efficiency, but 1 or 2 hours of sleep can really make you more functional.
probably should find some time to take a nap, i'd rather study at 70% then at 20 %
Adderall if u can get any!
On college campuses i think they sell some energy sprays (25H Energy) and it works.. it fucking works
Those 5-hour energy doo-hickies have worked for me
Why didn't you ask for a day off at your work ? Redbull is quite efficient for concentrating and staying awake. But after 6 years of studies, I can tell you that you will get better grades with 8 hours of a good sleep, rather than revising inefficiently all night and be a zombie at the test.
edit : I went on a 7 games losing streak on iccup yesterday because I was a little sleepy. You have almost no concentration when you are fighting to stay awake
Take a nap, even if it's just twenty minutes to an hour and a half. There's no way you'll to study/write your paper efficiently enough without sleep to justify not sleeping. You'll just go really slowly and miserably.
Light > Sleep. Also there are periods where you are much more likely to fall asleep than anything. Don't raise the temp too high or you'll want to fall asleep too.
exercise. When i pull an all nighter I usually go for a jog to wake myself up.
Yeah, I find it helps to just take a short nap, then again I'm not an experienced all-nighterer.
Good luck man D:
Best trick I have for having to concentrate during an all nighter...
Take a caffeine power nap. Drink something high in caffinated, then nap for 20-25 minutes, just before your body goes in to deep sleep. When you wake up the caffiene will have taken effect and that + nap is good enough to get me to concentrate at full speed for 2-3 hours aka for an exam.
caffeine power nap like described above, and try not to stay up so long. take tiny naps. it helps
i basically did this a couple days ago, 2 days with about an hour to two sleep each day. if you can get ANY sleep take it. science shows you remember shit better when you sleep, and i swear it works for me. and once you're done, sleep forever for the next day or two. DON"T DRINK COFFEE IF YOU NEVER HAVE BEFORE, and don't drink it in general, shit's bad for you (and expensive).
Too add to Faranth's list, its really good to pull on your earlobes from time to time it does wonders
And chew bubble gum!
United States24514 Posts
50-50 rule. If you normally would get 6.5 hours of sleep and want to cash that in for 6.5 hours of work/study time, get 3.25 hours of sleep and 3.25 hours of work/study time (I just made this rule up on the spot but you put yourself into a ridiculous situation). I don't advise staying up all night, then working, then taking an exam if you want to do well on that exam. That is, unless your job is to help edit the answer key for the exam.
edit: btw in situations like these if you DO sleep you have to be double careful not to sleep through an alarm or whatever