Alright I think my previous blog post got closed so I can't quote it and I'm not sure if you guys can access it. If you can, read here first: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=122431
Long story short, I ordered an ATI 5670 from newegg back in April. My first card didn't work. Whenever I had the card in my PCI-E slot, and turned on the computer, I'd just hear the fan going loudly and there would be a black screen, it wouldn't boot. I finally got around to shipping it back for a replacement and got the replacement in the mail about an hour ago. I put it in and had the same problem as before. I know the PCI-E slot works, I'm running an old Geforce 7600 which at least plays sc2. The 5670 only draws 64w at load and my power supply was good enough to boot with a geforce 9800. I don't have another pc to test the 5670 in.
What should I do? Is it likely they sent me two dead cards in a row or is there some compatibility problem? Could there be some conflict since my integrated graphics are also ATI? I've only ever had Nvidia cards in there so far.
If you are buying a custom non reference pbc 5670 there could be an issue with the company not ensuring backwards compatibility with their pcie in their card bios. MSI is a known offender of doing this.
I'd figured this was blog material that not enough people care about to make a new thread. I didn't know about that other thread though, thanks.
After reading this thread:http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/270353-33-video-card-boot I'm suspecting it's the fault of my motherboard manufacturer.
This is definitely your power supply issue. Your PSU does not have enough power. I've had similar problem before. You can take it to your friends place to test it or order a higher wattage PSU.
On May 21 2010 06:29 Drowsy wrote: I'd figured this was blog material that not enough people care about to make a new thread. I didn't know about that other thread though, thanks.
After reading this thread:http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/270353-33-video-card-boot I'm suspecting it's the fault of my motherboard manufacturer. It used to be but with the sheer number of computer threads i guess mods changed their stance on it.
Okay I did some research and this is my motherboard: http://support.gateway.com/s/MOTHERBD/MSI/4001071R/4001071Rnv.shtml I suspect that there was nothing wrong with either card and my motherboard is just too old/crappy to let me use a pci-e 2.1 card in the pci-e 1.0a slot. This was a gateway pc and not one I built myself.
The card is made by powercolor in case you were too lazy to read the previous thread.
Firstly, a Pentium D will severely hamper your overall performance. I'm not sure that investing a new video card was the right idea. The video card will be limited by the CPU performance.
Also, with OEM (gateway, hp, dell, etc) computers, they often order "special" oem only motherboards for their PCs with reduced feature sets, to help keep pricing down. You can never be sure of the compatibility of these motherboards as most are just tested with the hardware they ship with. Of course, I'm not sure of your specific computer, but you get the idea.