So, two days after I won a beta key in a contest, Blizzard decided to puke me in the face by finally giving me a key from the opt-in.
Since I now have two keys, I'll give one to someone here. I don't know if there's anyone out there who still haven't got a key, but if there is, here are the rules for this mini-contest:
Rule 1: The first who answers this important question correctly, AND gives a reasonable explanation for his/her answer, wins:
-How many butt-cheeks do Grandma Duck have? (hint: there are three possible answers (0, 1 or 2).
Rule 2: No edited posts are allowed, so get it right the first time.
Rule 3: No accounts created after this post was made are allowed to enter.
EDIT: Contest is over, and the winner is mizU!
The answer is of course 1. MizU's approved explaination was: Ducks have little feather covered behinds, but they don't have separate cheeks for excreting feces.
2? because every animal has a butt?
0 cause there are no butt for ducks
1. Ducks have little feather covered behinds, but they don't have separate cheeks for excreting feces.
I'm just gonna guess. I googled the pics for Grandma Duck but they only show side-views of her and her butt. She doesn't seem like she has butt cheeks (she has a butt though). So... My answer is 0.
We have a winner. The answer is of course 1. Grats mizU, PM heading your way!
Czech Republic11293 Posts
She has none, because birds simply do not have butt-cheeks, period. They make kind of different excrements.
omg another lost contest lol its like 2000000 times....congratz mizU good job
0, because birds don't have buttocks.
Congrats mizu, I've seen you post in the same contests as me and you've beaten me!!
2 just like any other human, Duck is the family name.
I've kept trying. I FINALLY got one. Yey! I think I'll screenie when the key comes in my box. xD
aww wait mine was made after post =[