After watching the numerous amount of pro starcraft VODs, my attention draws to the players (in real life). Specifically the ones that open their mouths when they play. Now I know ALL of you Terran players immediately pictured + Show Spoiler + and don't get me wrong, I also did.
Now, I've come across this 'syndrome' of opening my mouth when I play. But, when you're in the zone, you really don't notice it so I can completely understand why the players naturally do it. Though, it always makes me laugh in some way (yeah shitty sense of humour).
However, when I'm so into the game and my jaw is hanging like a nut sack, I drool... yes, I don't drool when I sleep; I don't drool when I see a hot girl; I drool when I'm playing Starcraft and I'm f***ing proud of it!
Poll: Do you play Starcraft with your mouth open? (Vote): Yes, Fantasy/Stork/Hiya hwaiting! (Vote): No, too much Starcraft swagger for that.
Uhh, Hiya's is way more prominent; MVP's is also.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
fail blog sory
never picture fantasy as a mouth opener, maybe oov, hiya definitely... ggaemo LOL, stork too sometimes!
Damn, I thought this thread was another Salvia trip story. Still, I'll read your blog :D
yuck what is this blog... and hiya yes, he's the most disgusting progamer of them all
Agreed, I wouldn't have thought of fantasy. HiYa pops into my mind.
Well, I just watched a Fantasy game so he was the first person I thought of... but yeah Hiya's jaw drop cracks me up everytime .
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
Yeah, I don't know how the FUCK you can mention drooling without bringing up Hiya's big pie hole.
I dont, but i tends to frown and squeeze my eyes..
Drooling only happens when i'm playing the piano, sometimes..
I open my mouth only after games...to get some swearing going if I lose
lolol this blog woulda been correct if you put hiya. The minute i started reading pictured hiya, and then i reveal the spoiler n im like... oh.. shit i guess its not hiya. if we're getting knitpicky about how they look on camera, i will toss it out there that fantasy seems to swallow like mad air some times as if making himself burp...
I open my mouth and use my tongue in any situation where I am concentrating. Call it the Michael Jordan effect.
Okay, so I fixed Fantasy to Hiya, lol! (credit to meeple).
i look like jaedong when i play...at least thats what i tell my self
Don't forget oov's gorilla face people, that's what fantasy inherited from his teacher I think I do it sometimes without realizing during particularly intense games lol, or I assume I do don't know for certain.
Oov would be my first pick when it comes to open-mouth progamers.
Maybe he had been training with Boxer too much, thus couldn't help it but :o'ing all the time? ...
Stork has recently kept his jaw shut during matches, Like against Flash for example
United States11390 Posts
i thought you meant iloveoov tho
I just leave my mouth open all the time cause my jaw is effed and it makes it a conscious effort for me to close my lips, I get some good open mouthness while playing SC, but it just goes off the charts for GH and FFR
Oh and I pictured MVP first...I can't help but laugh when I look at him now, even if his mouth open