Hi, I'm looking for D+ practice partners. I looked at the 1v1 practice partner, but these people never seem to be on at the same time as me.
I play zerg, and am willing to practice builds, massgame, watch replays, etc.
I work full-time and I am only available to play after 6 pm EST on weekdays, and most of the day on weekends (when I don't already have plans).
BlasiuS@iCCup, BlasiuS@USEast
I just hit C- but I am always around D+. I play a lot everyday and will play more during the winter break.
Protoss Player noojoh@iccup
I guess I am one of the people you say are never on. I went on after 6pm EST as you said pretty much every day for about a week and you weren't on once. I will keep looking for you in hope that we can play a few games. Maybe you were on bnet instead of iccup? I havnt been on bnet in a year or so because I see no reason to go on it.
If others want to add me as well, I am Merck@iccup and I play protoss.
On December 02 2009 01:56 Mastermind wrote: I guess I am one of the people you say are never on. I went on after 6pm EST as you said pretty much every day for about a week and you weren't on once. I will keep looking for you in hope that we can play a few games. Maybe you were on bnet instead of iccup? I havnt been on bnet in a year or so because I see no reason to go on it.
If others want to add me as well, I am Merck@iccup and I play protoss.
Yeah I get on, and then get back off when I don't see anyone on that I want to game with.
I will keep looking for you
I usually avoid b.net for practice games as well.
Add Avarice]v[ and TSL-Avarice Im usually on around 8-9 EST
im C but ill play with u even if youre lower im on east as well fuhre(R) on east and rep)fury on iccup
Has soon as I got back the internet in my new house (should be today), I can play with you. I'm mostly D but I reached D+ this season by playing a bit more.
I normally play the same hours as you but not everyday.
plasir@iccup and USEast
I'm a D+ terran, really looking to improve my TvZ. TSL-category and categorytheory on iccup.
I'm C- high but my ZvZ is not that good and probably D/D+ level, so I would gladly play some games with you. TSL-Cynan@Iccup or CynanMachae@Iccup/USEast
i'm C/C- but never played ZvZ (preferred PvZ) and am willing to mass games in that matchup. add tsl-redtooth and redtooth[cmu] if you want. i'll be busy this week because of exams but might be on a few times.
Ill be on east tonight, no AH so its jsut easier for me, according to iccup im around D+ add me TryThis@USeast
I'm just barely D+ feel free to add layogurt@iccup
or pm me here available almost whenever
Add numLoCKzzz or TSL-numLoCK on iccup. I might not be on this week with final papers and such, but in the future I'll be needing game time to relieve stress.
Hey, im D+/C- ill practice w/ you on iccup if you want. Add nogardeci11.
i am a D+ Z player but i can help you with ZvZ or any other match ups you have trouble with, add me
Zergneedsfood. BARELY D+ at the moment, but I'm T and my TvZ is decent when I'm not on Heartbreak Ridge. >_>
I'ma D+ Zerg who just got C- first time, Poita on iCCup if anyone wants to play. Kinda hoping to get ZvP practice, starting to love that matchup
D/D+ here. iscout4u on iccup. I added like 20 people from the practice partner thread....and i have never seen or gamed with any of them....
I play very late at night....midnight-5 am or so California time almost EVERY weeknight. if u add me and play during those times...ill surely be on....i dont just log on then off. I stay on.
D+ Terran on iccup also. I am willing to play any xvt matchup, but I'm also one of those weekend people who are like never on.
wow nice response, I added all of you, and I will try to play with whoever I see on when I'm on!