LRM)Sawyer is a polish terran. That in and of itself makes him special. He may very well be the only polish terran at the moment and he is quite good.
RoX.Dimaga is a Ukrainian zerg. Along with Alf they make up the most prominant zerg's in a country dominated by Strelok and White-Ra. Personally, I think Alf and Dimaga have what it takes to add some controversy this year in the Ukrain. Only time will tell.
This is a game that introduces two relatively unknown gamers (to most of you I'm sure) while showcasing that being unknown, doesn't mean you aren't a great player. Not a spectacular replay but the back and forth advantage spot in this game and the relatively nice play makes for a fun watch.
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Something I have noticed, especially with foreign T's is the forego establishing an extra-natural expansion so that they can maintain pressure. Normally this is fine but as the game wears on the terran that does this seems to just dry up and fade out. I think that is the case here and something you terran players should think about.